A new app called Little Ones has been dubbed, 'Uber for nannies.'
Being a parent can be wonderful and fulfilling, but there are times when even the most loving and dedicated of parents needs an extra pair of hands.
But as every parent will know, sometimes finding childcare can be easier said than done. Although some people are lucky enough to be able to rely on friends and family when they need last-minute childcare, most people have to rely on hired help, and finding a great babysitter - especially at short notice - can be really tricky.

And that's where Little Ones comes in. The app, which was created by mum-of-three Viviana Rossios, has a database of fully vetted caregivers who parents can easily book through their phones.
Talking about why she decided to launch the app, Viviana told Mail Online: "I'm a mum of three young children, I'm constantly busy and I just thought: How come we can get everything at the click of a button except childcare? I knew that there would be other busy mums in my situation and so I decided to translate the idea into a business."

Best of all, the app lets you book childcare for just an hour - so you can literally call in a spare pair of hands if you're one of those days!
Being a mother herself, Viviana understands that their children's safety is every parents prime concern, so all the caregivers on the app undergo a strict screening process. One the Little Ones website, they explain: "What’s the point in taking some time for yourself if you’re worried about the kids the whole time?
"That’s why safety and security is our number one priority. We only list strictly verified caregivers, with the same requirements as a child care centre."

Viviana added: "Of course, first time mums are naturally cautious, but they don't have to leave the home the first time they try Little Ones - they could simply book someone for an hour and then get some chores done while remaining in the house."
Talking about what she wants to achieve with the app, Viviana explained: "I wanted to tell mothers that it's okay to let yourselves have a break every once in a while,"

Little Ones is only currently available in Australia (where Viviana lives), but ambitious mumpreneur has plans for worldwide expansion soon. Definitely something to keep an eye out for!
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