Study reveals how long it takes kids to settle back into their school routine after the summer holidays


by Emma Dodds |
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A study has found that it takes schoolchildren more than a week to get back into their school routine after going back to school after their six-week summer holiday.

After having six weeks of no homework, going to bed later and spending more time in their pyjamas, it can be tough to slip straight back into the school routine.

And most children don't - as a study has found that on average it will take a child eight days to fit back into their routine.

Researchers surveyed 2,000 parents of schoolchildren, who said that poor concentration, lack of energy and increased irritability were the main issues that afflicted children returning to school after the summer holiday.

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Two thirds of parents said their kids found it tough, and 58% said their kids were grumpier when they return to school - with 22% more likely to get in trouble.

The study, commissioned by Soreen, said that 40% of children resisted doing their homework, 36% were less interested in learning and 45% sadly do not enjoy school in the first few weeks after the holiday.

Some parents shared their tricks to get their kids back into routine:

  • 62% enforce an earlier bedtime

  • 35% enforce set mealtimes

  • 21% set extra homework

  • 12% gave their kids more sugary snacks

How do you get your kids back into the school routine? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.


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