WATCH: Couple reveal surprise adoption to their loved ones in best way possible

Couple Lacey and Bank Farris have desperately wanted a child together for several years yet struggled with unforeseen infertility, failed adoption and a late miscarriage

Couple Reveals Surprise Adoption

by Danielle Fowler |
Published on

After thankfully being able to adopt a little girl named Finley at birth, the couple couldn’t wait to show her off to their family and decided to share the moment in the sweetest way.

To show their daughter how much she is loved in the future, the couple decided to film the life-changing moment they brought her home.

"The reveal was incredible," Lacey said of the experience.

"For Finley to grow up and see how happy everyone was to see her — it meant everything. It was so cool to have our family 100 percent behind us."

Banks filmed the moment he turned up unannounced to several family members' houses in Alabama, Arizona and Tennessee with one-month old Finley.

The entire family were of course delighted, Banks' 78 year old grandmother especially, as she had to sit down after hearing the news.

"Oh my word, I'm going to pass out!" she says in the video. Bless.

You can watch the heart-warming moment in the video below:

Lacey and Banks met Finley's birth parents on Christmas Day 2015 after matching on an adoption website.

Lacey told of the moving adoption experience, “Waiting was the most difficult thing. No one is going to know how you feel unless they have gone through it.”

She continued: “All the tears and all the prayers — when you finally get what you were longing for — it is so worth it. Waiting through the darkest moments is so hard.”

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