CBB bosses have CONFIRMED a female-only line-up for next year

Emma Willis

by Emma Dodds |
Updated on

Celebrity Big Brother bosses have CONFIRMED that January 2018's series of the popular reality TV show will be a female-only cast to celebrate the centenary of women's right to vote.

Yep, you read that right!

After months of rumours, Channel 5 have now confirmed that next January's series of CBB will be girls only.

Show bosses are very keenly aware of the fact that it's 100 years next year since women won the right to vote in 1918, and they're going to make sure they do something extra special with the show to mark the occasion.

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They announced the shake-up in a "salute to a centenary of women’s suffrage," adding that the line-up would be made up of everyone "from politicians to performing artists."

Also confirming that Emma Willis would return as host, the housemates will be taking part in tasks that will "challenge gender stereotypes and reveal fascinating truths about what it is to be a woman - and man - in the 21st century."

But it's not all-girls for long - the women will be thrust into the house on their own and will then watch as their male counterparts enter throughout the series.

Well! Good on Channel 5 for celebrating girl power. 💪

GALLERY: Here's what the Celebrity Big Brother house looked like in August 2017


Celebrity Big Brother house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20171 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20172 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20173 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20174 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20175 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20176 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20177 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20178 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 20179 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 201710 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 201711 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 201712 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

First look in the CBB house August 201713 of 13
CREDIT: u00a9 Channel 5

First look in the CBB house August 2017

According to The Sun, a source revealed back in October that CBB producers are hoping to get a gal-only group together - with feminist writer Germaine Greer being top of their list.

A source told The Sun: "Channel 5 wants to make a real splash as part of their women's vote celebration.

"They are keen to cast opinionated women like Germaine Greer over no-mark reality TV girls who look good but have little to say or bring to the conversation. Bosses are expecting cat fights galore, plenty of tension and clashing personalities."

Germaine Greer
Germaine Greer is top of the wish-list ©Getty Images

EEE this could be really quite exciting!

We just hope bosses aren't bombarded with "meninists" who say an all-female cast would be sexist... Don't miss the point of this, fellas!

However, it's not a CBB without a bit of sexual tension between cast-members, and their tastes might not all be accounted for with a female-only group.

Hmm, we'll see.

Whilst it seems preposterous that women have only had the vote for 100 years, it is worth noting that many women around the world are STILL not allowed to vote.

Women in Saudi Arabia were not granted the right to vote until 2011 - only six years ago.

What do you think of a female-only Celebrity Big Brother cast? Let us know over on FacebookFacebook and **Twitter**Twitter**.**


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