Heartbreak as Britains Got Talent’s Pudsey the dog dies

Pudsey the dog

by Aimee Jakes |
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Britain's Got Talent champion Pudsey the dog has been put down as ownder called it 'the most hardest decision of her life.'

Ashleigh Butler and dog Pudsey won the sixth series of BGT after a showstopping routine to the Mission Impossible soundtrack.

Pudsey had been sadly diagnosed with Leukaemia and Ashleigh made the heartbreaking decision to put him out of his misery.

"I had to make the hardest decision of my life to let my beautiful boy go to sleep at the age of 11," the performer said.

Pudsey the dog

"From the minute he was born he brought nothing but joy to me, and as a winner of BGT millions of others who adored him too.

"No words can express just how much I will miss him.

"He changed my life and I have so many wonderful memories of our time together. He will always be in my heart."

Pudsey was the first dog to win the talent show in 2012 and had since released a book titled 'Pudsey: My Autobidography' which charted the canine's rise to fame. The pooch also stared in the film 'Pudsey The Dog: The Movie in 2014.'

Pudsey will be very missed.

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