After 29 days of drama, the show finale saw heart throb James crowned as the king of CBB, with closer pal Austin coming in second, and Atomic Kitten’s Natasha getting third place.
Speaking of his win, James said: ‘I never expected it, ever!’
‘I’ve not idea why the public have picked me, but I’ve tried to put others first and just have a great time in the house.’
James made his name when he appeared on Alan Sugar’s Apprentice, but was rejected from the boardroom in the end.
The 28-year-old star became very lose to American Austin, saying: ‘I’m a loner, but to have someone in the house to lean on was so special.’
Meanwhile Austin said he couldn’t be happier for his new buddy, adding: ‘He’s a great guy, he’s been a strong pillar throughout the competition.’
Aw, we think that’s our favourite CBB love story so far!
And as the final contestants were cheered out of the house by the public and fellow contestants, Farrah Abraham and Janice Dickinson did NOT show up to the event - after that ‘glass throwing’ incident.