Want to exercise on the set of your favourite soap? YOU CAN!

ITV will switch off all its channels for a whole hour to get you off your bum

Coronation Street visit

by Amy Pollard |
Published on

Taking part in sporting activities and keeping fit often proves to difficult to many of us. We would much rather be sitting in front of the television with our feet up catching up on our favourite soaps after a hard day at work.

But what if you could exercise and be on the set of your favourite ITV soap?

Look no further, because it's soap sports day!

On Saturday 27 August, you and your family could be taking part in the nation’s biggest sports day (I am Team GB) on the cobbles of Coronation Street.

The family friendly event is free and very much exclusive and sessions will run on hourly rotations from 10am to 4pm.

If that is not exciting enough, you could also be put through your paces with a duathlon (run-cycle-run) on the Yorkshire Dales of Emmerdale followed by a picnic with the family.

These events have limited spaces so make sure you keep an eye out on the I am Team GB website (iamteamgb.com) in order to sign up for your place!

‘Why is this event happening?’ we hear you ask...

Well, as Team GB will be giving it their all at the Rio 2016 Olympics, ITV are doing their best to encourage their viewers to leave the sofa and take part in activities to get their heart racing.

Because of this, ITV and the National Lottery have joined forces to put on the nation’s biggest sports day.

But that is not all!

ITV will also be switching off transmission from all seven channels for one hour from 9:30am that day.

So, what are you waiting for? Time to dig out your trainers from the back of your wardrobe and dust them off.

**This is an amazing opportunity for all you soap AND exercise fans! **

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