VIDEO: Babies react hilariously to eating lemon for the first time

Are you ready to ready to see something both amazingly cute and hilarious at the same time?


by Jack White |
Published on

This video of babies trying lemon for the first time is possibly the best thing we’ve seen all day.

We adults all know that lemons aren’t the sweetest things and we’ve all been victims of that face you pull when you get a taste of the sourness.

But these poor babies were tricked into tucking into the zest yellow fruit. Bad adults. The results were very funny, though.

Watch as each baby happily holds the fruit, like ‘yeah, I can do this, no big deal.’ But their faces soon change as soon as they get a taste.

Cue hilarious face pulling, flailing arms, tantrums and even tears as they realise those yellow things aren’t as nice as they look.

Well, a couple of the babies hardly reacted at all and we can’t quite work out how.

Watch the clip and let us know your thoughts via the comments box below.

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