Home|Entertainment|SoapsFrom Tony Blackburn to Kian Egan: The I’m a Celebrity winnersIt’s getting to the point on the show where we simply can’t decide who we want to win. So instead, we’ve taken a look back at the previous champs. Who’s your favourite?by Jack White | Published on27th November 2014 at 2.59pmGalleryFrom Tony Blackburn to Kian Egan: The Iu2019m a Celebrity winners1 of 12philtufnell2 of 12kerrykatona3 of 12joepasquale4 of 12carolthatcher5 of 12mattwillis6 of 12christopherbiggins7 of 12joeswash8 of 12ginodacampo9 of 12staceysolomon10 of 12dougiepoynter11 of 12charliebrooks12 of 12kianeganJust so you know, we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this website - read why you should trust us