Home|Entertainment|SoapsREAD: If your toddler could text..Have you ever wondered what toddlers would say if they could text? Wonder no longer...by Kayleigh Dray | Published on25th November 2014 at 2.59pmGalleryREAD: If your toddler could text..1 of 9if-toddlers-texted-22 of 9if-toddlers-texted-33 of 9if-toddlers-texted-44 of 9if-toddlers-texted-55 of 9if-toddlers-texted-66 of 9if-toddlers-texted-77 of 9if-toddlers-texted-88 of 9if-toddlers-texted-99 of 9if-toddlers-texted-10Just so you know, we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this website - read why you should trust us