Orange is the New Black on Netflix is one of the most addictive shows around - not to mention one of the most empowering to women. And each character shapes their identity with individual style in the beige-clad world of the prison system.
Before she entered Litchfield Penitentiary, Morello was always very glamorous and took great care with her appearance, wearing scarves, red lipsticks and hoop earrings to look as fabulous as possible. So it makes sense that her crime was all about pre-ordering expensive and luxury items!

Now that she’s behind bars, Morello hasn’t let her standards slip; she’s worked really hard to find ways to keep herself looking as elegant as possible.
Yael Stone, who plays Lorna Morello in the hit series, explained to InStyle: “It’s great to represent all these different women of all different backgrounds who are thrown into this context where it’s really hard to define yourself with clothing or with money.
“So it’s little things, like lipstick and hair and that stuff that makes you who you are.”
Lorna Morello, despite being a total glamourpuss, doesn’t spend all that much time perfecting her prison style each day.
She knows that all she needs to stand out from the crowd is a slick of bold red lipstick, a few lashings of mascara, and bouncy curls.
But in prison PLENTY of those items are on the contraband list, which means that this West Side Story wannabe has to get creative.
Think dipping a cotton bud in crushed cherries or beetroot, dabbing it onto dry lips, and then sealing with petroleum jelly for a pout that Marilyn Monroe would be proud of.
Think grinding up coffee, adding it to a little bit of water, and applying it to your lids for a natural (and surprisingly effective!) eyeshadow.
And, for days when you can’t squeeze in a visit to Sophia’s salon, think using some rolled-up tissues as overnight curlers, to create a cute and bouncy look that’ll have all the other inmates jealous.
Fabulous - we’ll definitely be trying THAT out for ourselves tonight!
Read more OITNB here:
Prison beauty hacks: the best OITNB inspired tips and tricks
Top 10 essentials we'd smuggle into OITNB's Litchfield Penitentiary
Whose style do YOU love the most in Orange is the New Black? And, more importantly, are you enjoying season 3? Let us know via the comments box below now.