Well, science isn’t actually any better than good old-fashioned dating, it seems, as series two of Married at First Sight finished last night on Channel 4.
The programme aims to match couples based on their personalities, likes and dislikes, presumably just as a dating website would. Using psycho-sexual therapists and psychologists to find potential matches, the show aims to prove that love can be planned, but as three of the four couples who were married this year have now split up, it looks like perhaps Channel 4 needs to go back to the drawing board. It’s worth noting here that Married At First Sight is also made in Australia and the US, and the success rate never goes above 25% - and this is only taking into account the first six months, let alone the first six years of the relationship!
In the latest series here in the UK, Adam and Sara, Steve and Lucie and Clark and Melissa all decided to go their separate ways last night on the series finale, having initially decided to give their marriages a shot after five weeks together. It was only Adam and Caroline who stayed together. Although they were living apart while Adam looked for a job transfer, he and Caroline were adorable! Despite having differences they were giggling like teenagers, and clearly very close at the end; they even got a rabbit - the sign of true love!
It wasn't a surprise to many that Steve and Lucie didn't make it – there was no spark there at all and the two had very different approaches to making the experiment work: Steve wanted to start off as friends and see whether feelings would grow, wheras Lucie wanted to get romantic and then see whether that would bring them closer together.
Adam and Sara also seemed ill-suited in the end: perhaps Adam wasn’t ready but he seemed a bit overwhelmed by sharing his space with Sara, and wasn’t really up for changing a lot.

Although there is still hope for our favourite couple, Clark and Melissa, who sensibly seem to have decided to take things easy for a bit, spend some time apart and perhaps date like normal people… an approach which makes sense considering how much pressure they’ve been under to make it work during the six months of filming. Love might not be dead after all! Watch this space...

Fans of the show were also behind Clark and Melissa:
We’ve enjoyed watching all these likeable couples nagivating the world of getting married to a stranger – is it something you’d do? Or do you think it’s better to find love the traditional way? Or do you use dating apps or websites?
Let us know over at Facebook and Twitter (@Closeronline)
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