Married at first sight: Where are the couples now?

With one lasting union and one recent divorce, we look at where the couples are now

jason knowles kate stewart

by Jessica Anais Rach |
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Jason Knowles and Kate Stewart

This relationship soured rather early on, when Jason was caught on Tinder just 2 weeks after the wedding - by the bride's friend. Eight months later their divorce paperwork has finally reached court, with the couple requesting nullification.

James Ord-Hume and Emma Rathborne

In a surprising success story, James and Emma- who initially claimed they weren't attracted to each other, are still going strong! Though the couple live in separate homes, and admit they wouldn't have gone for each other if they 'met in a pub', they are still working on the physical side of their relationship.

Sam McDonald and Jack Finn Kelcy

This couple's relationship came to an abrupt stop when Sam pulled out of the wedding. However the couple ended up getting back together off-screen and conducting a romance. Sadly this was short lived, and they told the Daily Mail their romance recently came to an end, despite their 'amazing connection'.

Ah sad times, at least we have First Dates to pin our hopes on now!

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