The 33-year-old told fellow campmates Vicki Michelle, Nadia Forde and Craig Charles that the colour of her poo had her convinced she had the life-threatening virus.
She said: “I think I’ve got [Malaria], I’ve had the worse diarrhoea ever. I’m dying to go but if I sit in that toilet I can’t bear the smell of it… but can’t hold it.”
Corrie actor Craig tried to assure her that she does not have malaria, but persistent Gemma replied: “No I feel like I’ve got malaria. My poo is bright fluorescent yellow, we’ve got to get out of here today.”

After the celebrities were split into two, Gemma’s team were sent to the jungle slammer. The other team, based in Croc Camp, are allowed to rescue the inmates one at a time.
Last night Vicki Michelle was saved and Gemma was not happy about having to stay in the slammer.
She wailed: “I’m fking pied off. I want to go. I’m not going to be able to do it.
“I just don’t want to do it. It’s too hard. If that makes me a quitter then that’s who I am. People that murder get treated better than this, and that’s the truth. Even a murderer gets fed three times a day.”
However after a pep talk from Craig and Nadia, during which they reminded her of the starving people in the third world, Gemma changed her view.
She said: “I am starving in the jungle but I’ve realised I must be strong. I pledge tonight, and you’re right, if I lose weight I’ll be happier, that I’m never going to mention starving again.”