Coronation Street star Irene Sutcliffe has passed away aged 88
The actress joined the cast of Corrie in 1968, playing local shopkeeper Maggie Clegg for seven years before moving onto pastures new.
Some of Maggie’s most explosive storylines involved her alcoholic husband Les, played by John Sharpe, and after they divorced Maggie moved to Zaire with her second husband Ron Cooke.

Before joining Coronation Street Irene had worked on London’s West End and on television productions Dixon of Dock Green, Pathfinders in Space and Emergency - Ward Ten.
Prior to that she had studied at the prestigious LAMDA school of theatre, and though she kept her personal life out of the public eye upon retiring from acting, she was known committee member of the Actors' Benevolent Fund and enjoyed playing Bridge.
It’s been reported that she died earlier this month, age 88.
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Coronation Street spoilers: week 23 SLIDER

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Everyone is getting suspicious Nick is looking more and more as though he's been involved in an insurance scam and is responsible for the factory roof collapse

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When Gary points out that Nick had the safety report in his bag all along, Sarah loses patience and tells Nick she wants nothing more to do with him – she'll run the factory on her own.

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Leanne is appalled, telling Sarah she doesn't even have the authority to pay the workers. When Sarah struggles to get the workers wages out, Gary gives her the money he's earned from selling the stolen passports back to their owners.
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Sarah is uneasy about taking the money but grateful for Gary's help – but when Gary begs her for another chance, she tells him it's still too soon to forgive and forget.

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Later on, Sarah is livid when she finds out that Gary has been discussing their relationships with workers at the factory, especially when he insinuates it's only a matter of time before she takes him back. Gary declares he's going back into construction.

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Leanne has been growing steadily more uncomfortable about Nick's involvement in the case. When Nick tells Leanne not to attend the court hearing because it would be "too upsetting", Leanne's sympathy runs out

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After a chat with Liz, she tells Nick that she needs to put herself and Oliver first. Admitting she's never believed his story, Nick finally reveals to Leanne that he and David stole Audrey's money, and that David blackmailed him into buying the salon.

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David breaks down, telling Shona and Gail how terrible he feels about the Audrey' Money, but Gail tells him they need space to process what he's done.

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But when Gail visits the salon and finds David and Nick at each other's throats, each blaming the other, she realises that she needs to intervene.

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She begs Audrey to drop the charges against Nick and David to unite the family, reminding her that forgiveness is what family is all about.

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Before Audrey has decided what she wants to do, David turns up at her house with some documents, determined to put things right.

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Handing her the envelope David explains that they're legal papers, showing he's transferred the barber shop into her name, to do with what she will.

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Audrey is gobsmacked, and Shona is proud of David for doing the right thing.

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As Dev prepares to visit a dying relative in India, he's hit with yet more stress when Aadi tells him that Asha has gone to a party and asked him to cover her shift at the shop.

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Dev is furious at Asha for disobeying him, especially when their relationship is already hanging by a thread.

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When Mary suggests that Dev take the kids on holiday with him to stop them from misbehaving while he's away, he admits that it's a good idea – but he needs to find someone to watch the shop.

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Deciding to leave Evelyn in charge, she grows exasperated when he tries to show her the ropes, insisting she knows what she's doing.

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Peter visits a fragile Carla in hospital after she's admitted following her psychotic break down on the factory fire escape.

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He is relieved – and Carla panicked – when the doctor tells them a space at a specialist care unit has become available.

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The only problem is, it's in Carlisle. As the pair of them take in the news that she will have to relocate, how will they decide to move forward?

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Back at home, Peter explains to Ken that Carla is moving to Carlisle for her medical care and, not wanting to leave her side, he's going with her.

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Peter hands Ken the collection of mobile phones, explaining that he found them in Carla's bag, and Ken promises to find and return them to their rightful owners.

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As Peter prepares to leave Weatherfield and they make their emotional farewells, Simon turns up and tells Peter he's going with him. Peter is touched.

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Gemma's morning sickness has been getting worse and worse, but despite Rita and Chesney's best efforts, she refuses to see a doctor, insisting she's fine.

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But when it gets so bad she collapses at home, Chesney brings her to the hospital – and the doctors have some big news.

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Gemma has already reminded Chesney about her family history of twins – but when the doctors tell her she's expecting quads, the couple are stunned!

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As they discuss their options – including selective termination – both Gemma and Chesney agree that they couldn't face losing any of their unborn children.

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But some of their excitement turns to worry when Rita tells them she doesn't have room to accommodate four babies in her flat, and they start to comprehend how much work it will be.

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Meanwhile, Mary is devastated when Norris tells her he is moving to Edinburgh to marry Freda. Rita and Mary organise a farewell party for him.

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But as all his friends arrive at the Rovers, Norris is nowhere to be seen. When Rita calls in at his house she finds him frantically searching for his Commonwealth Games medal.

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When Rita locates the medal in a matter of minutes, Norries realises what wonderful friends he has. Back at the Rovers as they reminisce on all the good times, Norris wonders if he really wants to leave after all...

Fans on Twitter expressed their condolences, with one writing, “I loved Maggie.
“She was a multi-layered character, capable of everyday comedy in the shop and painful family drama. Irene always played her brilliantly, even with scripts she didn't care for.
“They don't make characters like Maggie anymore, and Irene should be proud of her work."
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Theatre newspaper The Stage described Irene as having “a career of distinction and impressive range in the theatre.
“As television began its inexorable rise, from 1953 she appeared in many of the era’s top shows (Dixon of Dock Green, Pathfinders in Space, Emergency – Ward 10) before her Coronation Street debut in 1968.
“Her arrival in Weatherfield bridged a time of sliding ratings soon reversed as the soap entered a golden age, boosted by story-consultant Stan Barstow’s focus on character-led social issues."