Hollyoaks viewers will know that this week has been VERY dramatic because the climax of Patrick Blake’s murder is finally coming an end.
In case you don’t know we’ll give you a quick brief of what when down with nasty Patrick Blake:
Patrick suffered from a motor neurone disease and he wanted to commit suicide with the help of either Maxine Minniver or his daughter Sienna.

When Patrick thought Maxine was leaving him for Darren Osbourne, he and his granddaughter Nico decided they was going to frame Maxine for the murder.
But when he discovered that Maxine really does love him (even though he previously abused her) he decided he wanted to live as long as possible and no longer wanted to frame Maxine.
Meanwhile Patrick found out that his granddaughter Nico had killed Ben Bradley’s daughter Carly and sent a DVD to Ben revealing that Nico is responsible for his daughter’s death.

And when Nico found out she suffocated Patrick with a pillow.
However, Maxine discovered the tape of Patrick saying that she was trying to kill him and with the help of Darren they buried his body.
Nancy and Darren then moved his body into the forest but Peri and Nico discovered his body and alas Point of View Week began.

Throughout this week, secrets, lies and a whole lot of drama has happened. Viewers got the chance to see the story from many different viewpoints that included Maxine's, Darren and Nancy's, Nico's, Warren's.
Tonnight we'll get to see things from Sienna's point of view.
So far we’ve seen pregnant Maxine confess to the police that she did move Patricks body, we’ve watched Nancy go to the hospital because of her unknown illness, we’ve witnessed Nico ready to run away with Peri, Peri FINALLY discovered that Nico has been poisoning Tom and we got to see Warren Fox’s son Joel.
But tonight's Channel 4 episode will be when we'll FINALLY discover who will be arrested with Patrick’s murder.
Guess who it is?
Yup! The only person (other than Warren) who is completely innocent in Patrick’s death and of course she does it to save her sinister daughter Nico.
Anna Passey (who plays Sienna) opened up about the script and filming: “That was so sad to read it, and also when we filmed it," she told OK! magazine.
She added: “Because I love little Persephone, and even though Nico is a total nightmare, you kind of can’t help but feel sorry for her at times.”

Anna also hinted that her character might not be able to forgive Nico for killing her father, so where will that leave Nico?
AND We’ll see Patrick make a surprise return in tonight’s episode.
We can’t wait!
Hollyoaks airs these scenes tonight at 6:30pm on Channel 4.