Hollyoaks Spoilers: Monday 2 July - Friday 6 July
Next week in Hollyoaks is full of a LOT of drama!
First up James Nightingale, who is paranoid about who has set him up, has a special flashback episode which explores his relationship with his dad Mac.
Tegan Lomax also returns to the village and discovers the truth about Dee Dee and Misbah Maalik tries to mend her relationship with her abusive some Imran.
Ellie Nightingale and Glenn Donovan receive big news from the doctors, Farrah Maalik gets her dream job, Marnie Nightingale struggles with Alfie's diagnosis and Cleo McQueen is stressed.
Swipe through to see all of next week's Hollyoaks spoilers...
Hollyoaks Spoiler Week 27 2018 - SLIDER

James Nightingale's special episode
Following on from the events of last week, a drunk and dishevelled James Nightingale has a noticeboard full of all the names of people he thinks are out to get revenge on him by setting him up for Kyle Kelly's murder.

Hollyoaks Spoilers James Nightingale

Hollyoaks Spoilers James Nightingale
After running out of alcohol, he pops to the shops to get some wine.

Hollyoaks Spoilers James Nightingale
When he returns home he finds 'KILLER FREAK' in red all over his front door.

Hollyoaks Spoilers James Nightingale
Bless him.

Hollyoaks Spoilers James Nightingale
Then in a special flashback scene a younger James has just landed his first role at a law firm. When his dad Mac tells him to find £100k to save their family business, an eager Mac decides to 'appropriate' money from the company he works out.

Hollyoaks Spoilers James Nightingale
Later on, Mac arranges for a prostitute to have sex with James after he discovered his son is gay on his 16th birthday… Marnie is unaware.

Hollyoaks Spoilers James Nightingale
Back in real time, James heads over to Sami Maalik's office to find some evidence against him.

Hollyoaks Spoilers James Nightingale
What will the outcome be for James?

Tegan Lomax is released from hospital
Last week she was reluctant to return home from the hospital but Tegan Lomax is finally set to head back to the village. While her sister Leela is panicking trying to get everything ready, Diane O'Connor breaks the news about - Tegan's biological daughter - Dee Dee's illness.

Hollyoaks Spoilers Tegan Lomax
Then an anxious Tegan feels useless and decides to ask Diane and Tony Hutchinson if she can help out with Dee Dee.

Hollyoaks Spoilers Tegan Lomax
They later agree and let her attend the hospital appointments.

Farrah Maalik tries to make it up to Imran
Following the shocking actions on her son last week, Misbah visits his football coach Buster Smith in an attempt to sort her relationship with Imran.

Hollyoaks Spoilers Maalik family
While Misbah asks Buster to let her son go on the football trip to Barcelona, Ollie Morgan - who continues with the chores Buster has given him – thinks he's been unfairly punished for trying to buy alcohol with Imran.

Ellie Nightingale receives some life changing news
Elsewhere a light-headed Ellie Nightingale collapses at work and after her boyfriend Sami takes her to the hospital she discovers she's pregnant. Meanwhile a guilty Sami packs his bags, tells his family he has a new job and is moving to London.

Farrah gets her dream job
Over to Farrah Maalik, she's only gone and received an offer for the job of her dreams. While she worries Kim Butterfield won't be able to cope as she's struggling to leave the house, Misbah tells her Kim needs to learn to function without her.

Hollyoaks Spoilers Grace Black
Later on in the week, Kim gets herself a job at The Magic Bean and plans to surprise her girlfriend with a card and a present for her dream job but a guilt Farrah – who kissed Grace Black - snaps at her.

Hollyoaks Spoilers Kim Butterfield
To make it up to her, Farrah decides to treat Kim to breakfast but when Kim realises she's lost the present she had for her partner she goes out to find it…

Glenn receives bad news from the doctor
Glenn Donovan has a hospital appointment and asks Maxine Minniver to keep Grace occupied so she doesn't find out. After picking up Adam's ashes Grace tries to persuade Maxine to scatter them in Ibiza.

Hollyoaks Spoilers Maxine Minniver
Elsewhere during his hospital appointment, the Dr tells Glenn his blood pressure is worryingly high and urges him to tell Grace about his illness and when he returns home and tries to kiss her, she rejects him.Soon after, Glenn and Maxine go to The Folly to scatter Adam's ashes but when Glenn tries to kiss her she pushes him off.

Cleo McQueen is stressed
She only recently got engaged but after feeling that Joel Dexter and Myra McQueen are no help, a stressed Cleo McQueen reveals she hasn't even found her wedding dress!This of course leads to Myra coming up with a plan… but is it a good one?

Marnie struggles to deal with Alfie's diagnosis
Marnie visits Alfie at the hospital where she and Yazz Maalik are told Alfie's diagnosis - Schizoaffective Disorder - and that he will be on medication for the rest of his life.

Hollyoaks Spoilers Marnie Nightingale
Later, Marnie tells Yazz not to tell anyone about Alfie's diagnosis because she wants a second opinion. After hiring another doctor for a second opinion, Dr Spellman explains to Marnie that by not acknowledging the voice in his head she is slowing his recovery.
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Hollyoaks stars leaving, arriving and returning to the village