‘Shut up you bigot’: Piers Morgan absolutely LOSES IT with homophobic doctor on GMB


by Joanna Freedman |
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Piers Morgan furiously put a doctor in his place, after he claimed he could ‘cure people of homosexuality’ on Good Morning Britain.

The GMB host - who returned to the show yesterday after a Summer break – was less than impressed when a doctor appeared on the show claiming that homosexuality was an abomination.

Dr Michael Davidson told a stunned Piers that he had been cured of homosexual urges through gay conversion therapy – and he believed he could do the same for others.

"I now have two children and have been with my wife for 35 years," he said.

"My homosexual urges can still be triggered. But counselling, prayer and psychotherapy helped me to turn away from it."

Dr Davidson now runs classes with up to 14 people a week, where he claims he’s "helping gay people to locate the trauma that triggered their homosexual feelings".

homophobic doctor GMB
Dr Davidson claims he could stop people's homosexual urges* (Credit: ITV/ GMB)

But Piers wasn’t having any of it.

"We have a word for people like you in this country. We call them bigots! In my view you are a malevolent and dangerous part of our society,” he shouted. "What's wrong with you? Who are you to say such things?

"Do you really think homosexuality is something that needs to be cured? Why don't you shut up, you old bigot! This is utterly ridiculous!"

Expressing his outrage at the homophobic doctor’s views, he added: "Has it crossed your bigoted mind that gay people may not want to find your path? Maybe they are quite happy being gay and don't want to be 'cured of this abomination' because that is deeply offensive!

"Why don't you put a cork in it? I've had enough, Dr Michael, just shut up!"

WATCH: Gay conversion therapy: Piers Morgan challenges Dr Michael Davidson’s views on homosexuality


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Good Morning Britain is on ITV, weekdays at 6am.

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