Despite the fact the first episode aired over 20 years ago, the worlds’ love affair with Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey and Ross shows no sign of ending – and the series still manages to throw out some surprises.
Now one eagle-eyed Friends fan has pointed out a MASSIVE continuity error and, as a result, has us thinking about a world without Rachel Karen Green.
Jordan D’Amico, of, has revealed there is an episode where fashion-lover Rachel is not played by Jennifer Aniston. The horror!
But don’t worry too much, as it’s only for a second and it’s clearly a huge mistake on the production team’s part.
In the episode The One With The Mugging, Rachel and Joey are in Monica’s apartment (because where else would they be?) and she tells him that he has an audition with famous actor Leonard Hayes.
Monica then reminds Joey of his previous admiration of a monkey in a Leonard Hayes commercial and, when the camera cuts back to him and Rachel – it’s not Rachel!
Who is the smiley girl with the plaid shirt and the lank hair? Where is Jennifer Aniston with her to-die-for tresses and chic style?
The logical answer is, it was probably a scene that needed to be re-shot and Jennifer simply wasn’t available.
But still, we don’t like it one bit.