This Is England ’90 gang rape scene leaves Twitter in shock

Channel 4’s This Is England left viewers cold following a horrific rape scene

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by Fiona Day |
Published on

Channel 4 series This Is England’s second episode has taken a darker turn from last week’s somewhat light-hearted start.

As the gang head into the countryside for a summer time rave, the character of Kelly became the main focus after she was horrifically targeted by a group of men.

Coaxing her with drugs into their caravan, audiences were left shocked as scenes depicted the men brutally raping Kelly.

Kelly is then seen stumbling out of the caravan, dressing herself as she leaves, before sitting on the grass near her sleeping friends as morning sets in.

In an emotional conversation with her friend Gadget, a traumatised Kelly is left numb and unable to reveal to her friend exactly what just happened to her.

Viewers quickly took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the powerful scenes, with many admitting that they were both horrified and affected by the disturbing episode.

Actress Chanel Cresswell, who plays Kelly in the hit series, was praised for her sensitive and emotionally-charged portrayal.

The 25-year-old took to her own Twitter account to thank fans for their messages during what could possibly be one of the most talked about episodes of the series’ history.

She wrote: “Thank you for all your lovely tweets… Crazy to watch back! It was EMOSH!”

What did you think of last night’s episode? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.

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