Emmerdale: the Wild West comes to the village – will Bernice get her man?

Emmerdale spoilers

by Marianna Manson |
Updated on

Next week on Emmerdale, a Wild West themed charity fundraiser sees a deluge of lawlessness plague the village

Organiser Bernice Blackstock is disheartened when the object of her affections, Liam Cavanagh, says that he's not interested in joining in.

She manages to talk him round by offering him the coveted role of Sheriff. But she's got another surprise in store for him which nobody could have predicted.

Emmerdale factory fire

After a stint in the town Gaol, Amy and Kerry Wyatt have finally resolved their differences when a visitor from Amy's past turns up, demanding she pay back some money she owes.

As the two of them think up a plan to get ahold of the money they need, they unwittingly cause a fire at the factory – and not everybody can get out alive.

Meanwhile an emergency scan at the hospital delays Victoria Sugden's plan to leave Emmerdale as soon as possible. When Lee Posner turns up at the house later that day demanding a pay out and a public apology, will Victoria ever be able to escape her demons?

CHECK OUT Emmerdale spoilers Monday 29 July - Friday 2 August


Emmerdale spoilers: week 31

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This week sees the villagers enjoy a Wild West themed charity fundraiser day hosted by Bernice, but she can't help but be disappointed when Liam says he's not interested in going.

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Eventually she manages to convince him by offering him the role of Sheriff, and he certainly seems to be enjoying his role as he struts along Main Street in full garb on an impressive horse.

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Bernice is particularly taken with the sexy sheriff, and as the festivities begin to get into full swing she takes Nicola aside and whispers that she's planning to propose to Liam later.

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All the villagers are in high spirits and taking their roles as Westerners very seriously. Tracy is impressed with Billy's efforts and the two continue to flirt up a storm.

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When Rishi arrives at the event, he offers to store the charity takings in the factory safe, and everyone is having a great time.

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Everyone except Kerry, that is, who is furious when she's 'arrested' by US Marshalls Jimmy and Dan and put in the village gaol.

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As Kerry stews in jail, she's appalled when Jimmy and Dan drag Amy in and tell her she's to spend an hour in the cell with Kerry.

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It soon becomes evident that the villagers have orchestrated their join arrests so that Kerry and Amy can sort out their differences. Will they kiss and make up?

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The next day, tensions between Amy and Kerry are thawing when they receive a visit from a solicitor, demanding that Amy pay back some money she stole while on holiday in Dublin – or she'll report her to the police.

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Soon Kerry's thoughts turn to the charity money stored at the factory safe. The pair of them think up an elaborate plan to steal the money, but soon realise they've been caught on CCTV. When they go back to destroy the footage, an errant spark from the electrics goes rogue...

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Meanwhile, with their flirting at fever pitch after the Wild Western fundraiser, a frisky Billy and Tracy arrange to meet at the store room at the factory.

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But as a fire starts to spread across the factory, Tracy realises too late that she's stuck in the cupboard. As the tiny room begins to fill up with smoke, will Tracy make it out alive?

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Outside the factory, the villagers begin to gather as the Fire Brigade arrive to battle the blaze. The next day, the fire investigators and the police begin to search through the debris for clues.

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At the Woolpack, a determined Kerry inwardly insists that the fire had nothing to do with them, and a guilt-stricken Amy wants to believe her.

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Victoria tells Robert that she's planning on leaving Emmerdale earlier than planned, but after experiencing stomach pains is taken to hospital for an emergency scan. Robert is overcome seeing his niece or nephew on the monitors.

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Arriving home with a healthy scan, Victoria faces yet more trauma when Lee turns up unannounced and demands a pay out and a public apology for sullying his name. Victoria is adamant that she'll never apologise.

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Diane and Robert try to convince Victoria that the best thing to do would be to pay Lee off. But Lee refuses to accept their offer, saying it's not enough money. Will Victoria ever be able to move on?

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Tracy and Vanessa can't understand why Frank is still running around after Megan, but Frank assures them it's nothing to worry about.

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Behind closed doors, though, Robert is acting furtively. What is he up to, and how is Megan involved?

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Now let's remind ourselves of what's happening this week...

Things take a strange turn when farm hand Nate Robinson and Moira Barton share a passionate kiss

With Nate convincing Amy Wyatt for push for full custody of Kyle, it's clear he's intent on splitting up Cain's family.

Victoria Sugden scan

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