Priya Sharma and David Metcalfe's daughter, Amba, is put in danger in Emmerdale - is Nell Fairfax to blame?
Poor Nell, hasn't had an easy time since she arrived in Emmerdale. She's already made the fans suspicious as they think she's a con artist preying on Jai's guilt over Holly. Next week, Rishi finds a horrified Nell camping out at the factory. Nell claims she can't stay at the hostel any longer because of the undesirables there. Jai immediately suggests she moves Holdgate.

But Nell rubs several people up the wrong way when she arrives at baby Amba's birthday, dressed up and looking like Holly Barton.
She immediately turns Jai and Ross's heads and Priya is pleased to see how good Nell is with Amba.
Things turn bad for Nell when Priya finds Amba with pills in her hands. The finger of suspicion points at recovering addict, Nell, but has Amba swallowed any of the drugs?

Will Jai be forced to rethink his relationship with Nell? And will more secrets about the mysterious Nell be revealed?
What do you think Nell's hiding? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter
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