A sudden death leaves Bernice with a HUGE moral dilemma in Emmerdale!


by Tess.Lamacraft |
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When the beautician is given an unexpected opportunity to cash in will she take it!?

Beautician Bernice will be left in a quandary next week when one her super rich clients suddenly keels over and dies!

Bernice, who has welcomed wealthy Mrs Dumphrey’s to her salon, Beauty and Bernice on a regular basis, is stunned when the old lady passes away during a treatment.

Earlier on, the formidable Mrs Dumphreys, who can be quite a handful, urges singleton Bernice to go out on a date with Dan’s brother Daz.

Mrs Dumphreys thinks Daz would be worth a date! (Hmm..we're not so sure) ©ITV

Bernice is not convinced but as she chatters away to the old lady about her rubbish love life, she is horrified when the OAP suddenly collapses to the floor!

Poor Bernice is beside-herself and immediately summons her sister Nicola to the scene.

Nicola takes control of the situation ©ITV

Nosey Nicola, takes the opportunity to rifle through the old-dear’s possessions looking for information on a relative to call, but she’s stunned when she stumbles across a betting slip belonging to keen gambler Mrs Dumphreys worth a small fortune!

Naughty Nicola can see pound signs flashing and tells Bernice she should take the slip and cash in…after all, Bernice could do with some extra dosh right now!

Bernice is torn! To cash in or not? That is the question! ©ITV

But as the ambulance arrives to take Mrs Dumprhreys away Bernice’s head is all over the place.

Will she take her sisters advice and cash in? Or will she do the right thing and hand the slip over to the police? Ooh…it’s a toughie!

What do you think Bernice should do? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter


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