Tracey has been pulling pints in the Queen Vic since 1985, but, over the years, she’s only ever said about a handful of words on screen.
Until now, that is!
Yup, Tracey is going to be taking a starring role in the return of Kathy Beale.
"I was chuffed to bits"
And Jane Slaughter, who plays the silent barmaid, couldn’t be happier about it.
She told Inside Soap: "I really hope so! We will just have to wait and see.
"It is fantastic to be involved at this level. My scenes for this were with Danny Dyer and Steve McFadden, both of whom I love working with. I was chuffed to bits.
"Tracey knows nothing! She is just going about her daily work, and the phone at the Vic keeps ringing. Mick is convinced it is a prank called because every time he picks up, there is nobody there. So Tracey eventually answers and hears a familiar voice."

"It makes sense to Tracey because Kathy would know the number of the Vic, and she would have a good idea that Tracey probably still works there. Out of all the people on the Square, I suppose there aren't many that she can actually contact and feel she can talk to."
When asked if she would like Tracey to have a storyline all of her own, however, jane played it coy.
She said: "I think I will leave that in the hands of the team we have at the moment.
"Dominic [Treadwell-Collins] and the writers are doing such a great job that I would never be presumptuous.
"Everything they do regarding Tracey makes perfect sense to me. I am not a main character and don't have the storylines, but they get it right. I have utter faith in what they do. "
Tracey's big EastEnders episode will air on Friday, September 11 on BBC One.