Love is in the Square this February 14th as Lee and Whitney Carter head out for a romantic meal and try to put their recent woes behind them.
The young couple have only been married for a few months but they’ve already faced more than their fair share of marital troubles.
Where do we start? Maybe with Lee setting up a robbery at the pub that saw his brother Johnny injured.
Or maybe with Lee lying to his wife about his job, making out he was a high-flyer in the city when really he works in a call-centre and earns much less than he claimed.
Or even when Whitney kissed his dad after almost being killed in the bus crash.

Judging by these new pics of the pair at Beales’ for their romantic dinner, things aren’t going very well for them.
Either that or Ian’s forgotten to do a food order.

With Danny-boy Hatchard who plays the troubled ex-squaddie due to leave the show in the coming weeks, we think it might take more than a posh dinner to fix this relationship.
This episode airs on Tuesday 14th February at 19.30
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