EastEnders spoilers: Rainie Branning messes up with baby Abi

She's had a difficult few weeks and things are set to get even worse

EastEnders Rainie Branning baby Abi

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Updated on

Rainie Branning has been battling with her addiction problems and next week she continues with her struggle but ends up leaving Stuart Highway devastated.

Max Branning banned Rainie from spending any time with baby Abi but in upcoming scenes Stuart manages to find a way around the agreement – however he might soon regret his actions…

Meanwhile Tiffany Butcher has had a fairly tough time on the Square since returning; there was all that drama with Evie Steele and the rest of the gang but she's put the past behind her and is now dating Keegan Baker.

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The loved-up teenagers are obsessed with each other but next week we'll see the happy couple make a huge announcement to the rest of their family – how will everyone react?

Elsewhere on the Square, Martin Fowler is still heavily involved with Ben Mitchell and all his dodgy deals and before long it starts affecting his relationship with Bex Fowler.

Also Leo King and Whitney Dean head out for drinks and Mick Carter visits the doctors.

EastEnders spoilers: Monday 14 – Friday 18th October 2019


EastEnders spoilers: Rainie leaves Stuart devastated

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eastenders rainie branning and stuart highway

The week begins with Kathy Beae bumping into Rainie and Stuart. Following the encounter Kathy suggests to Max that she could supervise Rainie while she's looking after baby Abi.

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eastenders rainie branning and stuart highway

Max refuses and makes Kathy promise that she won't let Rainie see Abi. Unfortunately for her Stuart blackmails her and warns if Rainie can't see Abi then he'll tell everyone what Kathy did.

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eastenders rainie branning and stuart highway

Kathy gives in and secretly lets Rainie take Abi to the park. Stuart opens up to Bex and confesses that something isn't right with Rainie but the teenager encourages him to trust her more.

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eastenders rainie branning and stuart highway

When Stuart finds his girlfriend, he's devastated by what he sees... Later a furious Rainie visits Kathy and resorts to desperate measures.

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eastenders rainie branning and stuart highway

Stuart blames Kathy for Rainie's situation and the latest turn of events. Stuart then visits Kathy in the café and threatens to hurt Ian and Ben.

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eastenders rainie branning and stuart highway

The pair manage to open up and as the conversation turns deeper, Stuart confides in Kathy about the judgement he and Rainie constantly face because of their history.

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eastenders spoilers tiffany butcher keegan taylor

Elsewhere Tiffany opens up to her boyfriend and reveals she's ready to take their relationship to the next step.

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eastenders spoilers tiffany butcher keegan taylor

It's not long before the teenagers are discussing the future of their relationship. Before long Sonia Fowler and the rest of the Taylor family are intrigued when Keegan and Tiff say they have an announcement to make.

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Mitch Baker reassures Karen Taylor about Keegan's relationship. When Gray Atkins spots that Karen is feeling down in the dumps he suggests they throw a party to celebrate Chantelle's pregnancy.

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Gray tells his wife that he wants to treat her to an overnight stay in a hotel and he manages to persuade his mum-in-law to babysit the kids for the night.

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Unfortunately their romantic night together doesn't go according to plan because Mackenzie throws up all over the sofa which forces Chantelle and Gray to return home.

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Meanwhile on the Square, Leo asks Whitney out for a drink and although she agrees at first, she backtracks when Callum Highway arrives in the café.

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Whit then has another change of heart and agrees to meet Leo in The Vic for a drink. Whitney agrees that Tiff can meet Leo but she's left confused when it becomes apparent that it isn't their first encounter.

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eastenders spoilers whitney dean leo king callum highway

While Leo is left frustrated that his plans may be scuppered, Tiff puts doubt in her sister's mind over the new man in her life.

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eastenders spoilers whitney dean leo king callum highway

Tiffany later tries to put things right with her sister but it's not long before the sisters exchange harsh words… Later, Leo surprises Whit when he defends Tiffany's actions.

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eastenders spoilers whitney dean leo king callum highway

He then suggests they go back to his house but when Whitney spots Callum and Ben walk in, she's adamant they stay at E20.

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eastenders spoilers whitney dean leo king callum highway

Later Whitney gets drunk and admits to Leo that she's jealous of her younger sister Tiffany… When Callum spots his ex-fiancée, he checks she's okay and soon after they have an emotional chat.

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eastenders spoilers whitney dean leo king callum highway

Whitney later bumps into Callum's older brother Stuart and the pair have a heartfelt conversation.

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Elsewhere in Walford, Sonia Fowler grows suspicious of what Martin is up to and decides to confront him. Martin pays Louise Mitchell and visit and asks her to go and see Bex but she's quick to make up an excuse. When Lisa Fowler tries to encourage her daughter to go and visit her BFF, Louise admits that she's scared.

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After overhearing their conversation, Mel manages to get Louise to open up to her. Across the Square, Sonia breaks down in tears when she's talking to Lisa about Bex's current situation.

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Later on, following a conversation with Mel, Louise visits Bex and the pair have a heart to heart. Sonia and Martin are left feeling reassured.

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Martin is still 'helping' out Ben but is put off and tells him that he doesn't need any back-up with an upcoming collection job.

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When Ian Beale asks Martin for Monday's takings he's left unimpressed with the amount he hands over – leading Martin to lash out.Martin's week takes a turn for the worse when he has a pick-up with Tubbs that ends with him missing Bex's mental health appointment. As things spiral out of control Martin is left injured.

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Sonia is alarmed when she sees Martin's injuries and demands that he goes to A&E but he refuses. She starts to grow agitated with his lack of consideration for their daughter which results in Martin begging her for forgiveness.

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Over to the Slater household it dawns on Kush Kazemi just how much the family are struggling – will he be able to help them?

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eastenders mitch baker mick carter

Over to the Carter household and Mick asks Mitch to hold the fort in the pub while he heads off to a doctor's appointment about his panic attacks.

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eastenders linda carter mitch baker

When Linda returns to The Vic and sees Mitch behind the bar, she demands an explanation and is left concerned when she discovers her husband is at the doctors.

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Iqra Ahmed rants to Ruby Allen about her relationship because she feels that Ash is deliberately not introducing her to her family – but is there more to the story?

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Before any of the above happens, here's what to expect in EastEnders this week...

Martin Fowler is back on the Square following Bex Fowler's traumatic weekbut when he talks to Kush they decide he needs to leave before Ben Mitchell finds out.

However following a chat with his daughter, Martin has a change of heart... It's not long before Ben finds out he's back in Walford and starts blackmailing him.

Elsewhere Rainie Branning tries to get a job at the cafe but when things get tough she's had enough and turns to booze...

As things spiral out of control it's not long before Kathy Beale turns on her and tells her she's ruined things with baby Abi.

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