EastEnders favourite pub landlord is not a happy bunny when he discovers what Shirley and Linda have hidden from him
It was never going to be a pretty scene when EastEnders pub landlord Mick Carter found out the full truth of what has gone on behind his back since he's been away from the Square. Mick's been off tending to daughter Nancy, who was in a serious car crash, leaving the rest of the Carter clan to deal with the hole in the roof and a huge financial crisis.

Breaking point came when it looked like Mick's beloved pooch, Princess Di, might need to be put down unless the family could stump up the huge vet fees needed to save her.
Along came Max Branning with a solution that could work for everyone - selling the pub's freehold. Knowing Mick would never agree to it, Shirley forged his signature on the documents.

Tonight's (Tuesday) episode, sees Mick find out everything that's gone on behind his back. And he takes his anger out on love-interest Whitney, questioning her on why she didn't tell him.
Will his anger lead to passion?
Do you think Mick and Whitney should just get it on already? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter
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