Ben’s in shock when his lover Luke subjects him to a vicious beating!....
We knew it was only a matter of time before that smarm-bag Luke showed his true colours.
Next week, and having discovered that his boyfriend Luke and his family are a load of badduns, Ben decides to distance himself from the Willmott-Browns.
So when Luke’s dad James, rolls up at the Arches needing his car fixed, grease-monkey Ben flatly refuses to do the work leaving posho, WB, simmering.

Later on, and needing to keep Ben onside, Wilmott-Brown’s offspring and Ben’s former squeeze, Luke, makes a grand gesture and sends a brand new car round to Phil’s son as a present….that’s some present! Take the keys and run Ben!

However it seems Ben does have some morals after all.
Despite having genuine feelings for Luke, he’s adamant he’s not about to accept such a generous gift from the man whose father raped his mum, Kathy.
He's determined he can’t be bought and Luke is fuming when his prezzy to keep his former lover sweet is rejected.

He later turns up at The Arches to try and win Ben round but when his words fall flat, he suddenly loses control of his temper and starts laying into the startled young Mitchell!

As the fists fly and Ben attempts to defend himself it’s clear Luke is a loose cannon with a very violent side to him.

How far will the vile Luke go to make Ben do what he wants and should Ben be very afraid!?
Do you think Ben's life could be in danger? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter
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