Eastenders to feature controversial serial sex offender plot line

Eastenders are set to cover new ground by featuring a serial sex offender plot line, echoing that of the high profile investigation into Jimmy Savile

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by Fiona Day |
Published on

The plot will return to Kat Slater’s difficult childhood, which saw her abused by her Uncle Harry.

Harry raped Kat when she was 13-years-old, leaving her pregnant. She later gave birth to daughter Zoe Slater who was brought up as her sister.

Kat’s past is set to rear it’s head when police investigate her late uncle as more victims of abuse come forward.

The storyline mirrors high profile investigations into historic sex abuse, more notably that of Jimmy Savile who reportedly abused hundreds of children and young people.

Kat- played by Jessie Wallace- with daughter Zoe Slater

A source from the BBC told The Sun: “It’s a hugely controversial move for the BBC and EastEnders.

“Some may feel that exploring the crimes of a sex offender on screen, from the organisation that unwittingly protected Savile, is insensitive to victims.”

A spokesperson for the show said: “EastEnders has a rich history of tackling difficult social issues and Kat’s continued story is one of these.”

They also said that the storyline is long-running and “has nothing to do with Savile”.


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