EastEnders: Who attacked Aunt Babe? Fans thinks they know…

Pam? Sylvie? Someone else?

EastEnders babe smith

by Hannah Mellin |
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On last night’s EastEnders, we saw evil villain Aunt Babe Smith get locked in the Queen Vic freezer. And things are set to get even worse for Babe as she is attacked and left for dead after pushing one Walford resident too far…

She’ll be found unconscious on the floor by Linda Carter, who worryingly rushes her to hospital. Will Aunt Babe be no more? And more importantly, who is behind the attack?

As we all know, Babe has made an almighty amount of enemies during her short stint on the Square. So let’s remind ourselves of them all and see what reasons they might have for bumping off Babe.

Actress Annette Badland has already said that fans will be shocked by who is behind the attack.

She told RadioTimes: “Babe is taken by surprise! She didn’t think this would be possible or that she wouldn’t see it coming.”

So who do the viewers think could be behind Aunt Babe's attack?

Pam and Les Coker

EastEnders babe smith

The Cokers have been blackmailed by Babe ever since she discovered Les’s cross dressing alter-ego Christine.

And after she demanded money straight after their grandson Paul tragically died, will they finally see red?

We also know that Pam and Les are leaving the soap soon, so could they be heading for life on the run for their crime?

Abi Branning

EastEnders babe smith

Babe has been manipulating kitchen apprentice Abi for a pretty long time.

First, she made Abi fake a pregnancy to try and trap ex-boyfriend Ben Mitchell, and then told Whitney that Abi had a one-night stand with Lee Carter whilst emotionally and mentally torturing her about her insecurities.

Abi’s got quite the track history with violence – remember Tramp? And that scuffle with Lucy Beale the night she died? We wouldn’t put it past her…

Lauren Branning

EastEnders babe smith

This is probably the most obvious one, as Lauren herself said that she would go over to the Queen Vic to ‘put Babe straight’ after Abi was unfairly sacked.

Did Lauren playfully lock Babe in the freezer to teach her a lesson and things turned violent?


Claudette Hubbard

eastenders claudette

After finding out that Babe had been blackmailing the Coker’s and calling her best friend Les a ‘pervert’, Claudette has been slowly trying to take down Babe herself.

Was she planning this attack for a long while? Did did sneakily leave a hot date with Patrick…

Lee Carter

eastenders claudette

Well, even though things with Whitney are (kind of) back on track, Babe was the one that encouraged Abi to tell Whitney about their one-night of passion…

Slyvie Carter

Her feud with Babe has gone on for decades and we still don’t know the full story. And despite suffering with dementia, Sylvie is always quick to pipe up when Babe is in the room. Could Sylvie be at the centre of more drama that the Carters have to sort out?

Linda Carter

EastEnders babe smith

Could her shock at finding Babe unconscious all be an act? The land lady is definitely getting sick of her antics and Linda is definitely not in the right frame of mind at the moment as Dean Wicks’ trial nears…

Stephen Beale

eastenders claudette

Could Stephen be acting on behalf of Abi and Lauren? Will he come to their defence and sort Babe out once and for all? He’s definitely got it in him to be violent…

Plus, surely this ‘nice Stephen’ act will start to slip soon?

Who do YOU think attacked Babe?

Let us know your thoughts and theories over on Facebook and Twitter (@CloserOnline).

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