All of Walford (and the rest of the world) were FLABBERGASTED when Tracey was given the boot from her job as the Queen Vic's brilliant bar lady by... Lee from Blue?
You can't just do that. Tracey is an institution. She is more famous than the Minute Mart and the Dot's ashtray combined.
Barmaid Tracey, played by Jane Slaughter, has been in EastEnder's for THIRTY WONDERFUL YEARS and is best known for:
- Never speaking
- Always nodding
- Resigning when Janine was in charge of The Vic with a note that read, 'Gone Fishing'.
- Having a one night stand with Dennis Rickman in 2003.
Woody in 'Enders (who is played by Lee from Blue and we are still not over it) was facing an overstaffing problem at The Queen Vic where Fi and him are now in charge of. Despite pleas from Shirley, Woody sacked Tracey from the pub, which is a bit like sacking Louis Walsh from The X Factor. Oh yeah that happened, didn't it.
EastEnder's fans are not impressed at all, with even Geordie Shore's Scotty T showing his distain towards the sacking. The swear word was obviously concealed...

Here is what other fans had to say:

Tracey herself has yet to comment on the sacking, yet we would imagine it would be something like this...
'............[nods head]..........[Blinks a bit].........'
What did you think of Tracey's sacking? Fair or a complete outrage?! Let us know your thoughts on [Facebook] or Twitter!