Devil Wears Prada came out in 2006 and remains to this day one of the most loved films among females everywhere.
What are we talking about - of COURSE you remember the film Devil Wears Prada.
You're probably looking at it on your DVD case right now, aren't you? You probably only watch it a few weeks ago, DIDN'T YOU!
Don't worry. We've totally done exactly the same thing.
One of the reasons that the film has stood the test of time is that we're just fascinated by the heartless Miranda Priestley, played by the wonderful Meryl Streep.

We've all had a boss like Miranda – seems utterly mean, makes everything personal and NEVER appreciates you.
Or so we thought.
But a newly uncovered deleted scene from the film shows another, more vulnerable side to the ice queen.
WATCH: This deleted scene from The Devil Wears Prada is making people's brains explode
It takes place during the infamous black tie event scene, which makes main character Andy, played by Anne Hathaway miss her boyfriend's birthday party and causes a huge fight between them.
Miranda, Emily, played by Emily Blunt and Andy are having a conversation with their fictional magazine Runway's head of the publishing company that owns it, when Miranda's soon-to-be ex-husband drunkenly enters and starts making a loud scene.
He embarrassingly draws attention to himself, before insulting Miranda's boss – leaving the guests stunned.
Quick-thinking Andy pulls him away and begins a separate conversation, giving Miranda an opportunity to get the drunken lout out of there.
As she turns to leave, she mouths "Thank you" to Andy.

Hang on – Miranda would NEVER have said thank you to Andy!!!
Fans of the film have literally been left shaken by the revelation, with the original poster of the video writing alongside it: "I'm just seeing this deleted scene from The Devil Wears Prada for the first time, and honestly it changed the whole movie for me."
Many agreed with the tweet, and wrote: "Thank You does not exist in Miranda Priestly's vocabulary!" whilst another added: "It makes the movie so much better," and another wrote: "OF COURSE IT DOES CHANGE THE MOVIE. It's not about de-icing Miranda. It's showing an intern with guts. PLUS women being bros, impossibru!"

But others were actually glad it was taken out: "I'm glad they took it out. It doesn't belong," "I don't like it. Miranda needed no one" and "Wow, I have never been so thankful a scene was cut from a movie. thank you Devil Wears Prada gods."
We've got to say, it hasn't exactly changed the film for us, but it definitely makes us think twice about Miranda.
Do you think it was right for the scene to be cut from the film? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter****.