Dancing On Ice 2014: Get all the backstage gossip with professional skater Dan Whiston

From Jorgie Porter's shock exit to Todd Carty's much-anticipated return, Hayley Tamaddon's professional skating partner shares exclusive backstage gossip from Dancing On Ice 2014...


by Kayleigh Dray |
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Me and Hayley's first week on Dancing On Ice was absolutely nerve-racking!

The first show was absolutely nerve racking - the standard is so high, because everyone is going in on Week One at a standard which would probably be, on a normal show, at Week Six or Week Seven. And me and Hayley were on first with our Call Me Maybe routine, which was a pretty big deal - but it was such an amazing buzz too!

If anyone had told us we'd get a second chance doing the show together, we'd never have believed it. We've been best friends since we were 12 years old; Hayley's dance school was just round the corner from the ice rink, so she'd come and watch me skate when I was a little boy, and I'd go along and watch her dance. So it's surreal sometimes, dancing with someone I've known my whole life - but it's amazing too. We have a great friendship and, hopefully, a great chemistry on the ice.

I was shocked to see Jorgie Porter leave the show on the first night

It's really sad to see Jorgie go because, speaking as a pro, she had bags of potential - she just had so much more to give. She did great, she skated really well but there's other parts to that whole dynamic which she didn't get the votes for - it was basically a popularity concert for the first show.

In my opinion I think the comments Jorgie made did sway the public vote. Anyone who knows Jorgie will know she's a really lovely girl and is just being loyal to her best friend. Unfortunately, that was their private life but it became public in the papers and everyone has an opinion on it - and it seems as if people didn't respond well to her comments.

I thought Joe Pasquale was a dead cert

There wasn't a weak link last night; sure, skating wise, Joe wasn't the strongest, but, entertainment wise, he ABSOLUTELY entertained and I was so surprised he was out. I thought he'd be a dead cert to make it through to the next round, because I smiled and was entertained all the way through his performance. But, as I've said, it was in the hands of the public last night and, clearly, something didn't click with the folks back home.

Dan was VERY sad to see Joe go in the first week
Dan was VERY sad to see Joe go in the first week

Everyone is fighting for ice time - they all want to walk away the winner

The more hours you put in on the ice, the better you'll do. I know it sounds cheesy, but practise does make perfect. And, now that the competition is so high, everyone is fighting for ice time - everyone wants to be there training. Because they know that whoever works the hardest will come away the winner.

Everyone wants to be in the final - they might say they're here because they're enjoying it but there's no denying it; they want to win. The gloves are off, there will be twists and turns, and anything can happen - nobody is safe whatsoever.

It's impossible to predict who will win

Everyone has different strengths; everyone has an individual quality. no two people that are the same, each person has different qualities and adds to the night in their own way. When the pressure's on people obviously get really nervous and really stressed; people will make mistakes. They're still outside their comfort zone, these guys have just been skating since - well, Beth Tweddle for just one year. When you skate out on a live performance you're on ice and mistakes will happen. It's impossible to call it.

Dan Whiston backstage at Dancing On Ice 2014

I can't wait to see David Seaman and Sam Attwater skate with their real-life partners

David and Sam's performances will be very interesting, because it brings in a whole other dynamic. I think that, when you're with your partner there are no boundaries; you argue more, you tend to bicker… It goes without saying that those couples are madly in love with each other, so it'll be really nice to see them skate out as a real couple, but the training videos will be REALLY interesting to watch. They'll be eating, breathing and sleeping the show - there's bound to be more than a few rows.

I think Todd Carty will be safe from the public vote

Todd falling off the ice was one of the most memorable moments of Dancing On Ice - everybody loves him for it and he has a huge following. Sure, it sounds silly but, by falling off set, he got so many hits on YouTube - I think he may be safe from the public vote.

But, if Todd stays, that opens the door for somebody else to go - somebody who others might think doesn't deserve to leave. But I think that it's completely up to the public; whoever they want to see, they should see, and whoever they want to go, should go. it's reality and the public own it - they should have the final say.

Yes, we're thinking about doing Jai Ho again!

Hayley and I did Jai Ho together when we were on the show before and it's so lovely that people loved it so much. So obviously we've got to do something to top it, but it's a pleasure to try - and I absolutely believe that people will bring back their most popular routines to the show. How many times have me and Hayley been asked to redo Jai Ho? People would like to see it again. It's whatever the public wants to see!

Jason Gardiner is only going to get worse as the weeks go on

Jason is only going to get more and more and more critical; that's what he's there for and, sure, people think he's really harsh but there's always some positive criticism underneath it. You can't get offended. The nasty comments will come - and I think that's why the contestants want to be liked by him. He's the one they want to impress. There are fall outs every year with Jason and this one will be no different - there will be people locking horns, especially if he makes a personal comment, which, as we all know, Jason is known to do.

Away from the ice, we're a happy family - at the moment

Away from the ice, the Dancing On Ice team is one big happy family

It may be competitive on the ice, but we all stay in a hotel near the studio on weekends, so we tend to go for a drink together or a nice meal, just to regroup and unload on each other. Everyone's got the show in mind, so nobody goes crazy, but it's a nice family feeling before the live show - it's become a bit of a ritual.

The competition has only just begun, so there's no backstabbing just yet - we'll have to wait for all those tantrums and tiaras to kick in!

Tune in next week to find out Dan Whiston's latest backstage gossip from Dancing On Ice 2014 - we can't wait to find out if those tantrums and tiaras will have kicked in...

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