Coronation Street spoilers: Simon Barlow meets the Big Boss

And it's not good news

Coronation Street spoilers

by Marianna Manson |
Updated on

Simon Barlow has been getting deeper and deeper in over his head since meeting drug dealer Jacob, as Leanne Battersby's grief consumed her.

Taking on the role of breadwinner for his family, Simon's been dismissive of Leanne, Ken Barlow and Carla Connor's attempted interventions - but that's all about to change when Simon finds him face to face with the big boss.

Carla Connor Corrie
Carla gets the wrong end of the stick ©ITV

Elsewhere, Asha Alahan can't shake the feeling that she's losing Nina Lucas and is determined to do everything she can to keep the spark between them alive.

But Nina's not on the same page and soon a tragic chain of events is triggered.

Steve McDonald is furious when Peter misses work because he's seemingly drunk and breaks the news to Carla, who's tempted by old flame Lucas' offer of a break.

Kevin Webster is touched by his sister Debbie's offer of a free wedding venue but Abi Franklin isn't convinced of her motives.

CHECK OUT: Coronation Street Monday 8 - Friday 12 March


Coronation Street Monday 8 - Friday 12 March

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Fiz ridicules Tyrone for fancying Alina, saying she's far too young and beautiful for him, but later it's awkward when Alina lets slip to Fiz that she and Tyrone are in the same yoga class. When Tyrone lends a sympathetic ear after Alina's family dog back in Romania passes away, she can't deny her feelings for him.

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Elsewhere, Steve is miffed when Peter doesn't show up for work and finds him at home acting completely out of it. Peter swears he hasn't been drinking but Steve is unconvinced and sends him off in an ambulance to the hospital.

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Steve breaks the news to Carla that Peter is back in the hospital after hitting the bottle again, leaving Carla in despair. When Lucas shares his experiences of living with an addict and suggests Carla comes back to Devon with him for a break, Steve encourages her to take the opportunity and Carla packs her bags.

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Carla pays a visit to the hospital to say goodbye to Peter, telling him she can't live like this forever. But they're soon interrupted by the doctor who confirms that Peter's episode was to do with his liver condition and that he hadn't been drinking. A remorseful Carla begs him to forgive her.

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When school bully Corey learns that Asha is now dating Nina, he's disgusted, but Asha and Nina aren't bothered by what he thinks. When Asha tentatively suggests a night away at a hotel together, Nina breaks the news that she's not ready for that kind of relationship and that maybe they should just be friends, after all.

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Meanwhile, Leanne has been worried sick about Simon as it's clear she's lost all control when Jacob turns up at the house and whisks Simon away from his coursework. Ken decides to intervene and takes Simon for a coffee at the café, but will Simon be able to open up?

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After getting dumped by Nina, a downtrodden Asha is craving an escape and suggests to Kelly and Summer they have a wild night. Kelly's got just the solution and texts Simon begging him to hook them up with some pills. Simon reluctantly agrees, but soon tragedy strikes when Kelly falls unconscious.

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Jacob boastfully tells Simon about how he's been ripping off big boss Harvey by siphoning off a portion of the drugs to sell separately. In Victoria Gardens, Harvey corners Simon and demands he tell him what he knows about Jacob, or he'll end up in hospital. A terrified Simon denies all knowledge.

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Following Kevin and Debbie's brush with death in the Bistro freezer, Debbie offers one of her hotels for free as a venue for his upcoming wedding to Abi. While Kevin is thrilled, Abi insists they won't be accepting charity from his sister and that she doesn't trust Debbie as far as she could throw her.

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Finally realising he's in well over his head, Simon races home and tells Leanne about his run in with Harvey. Leanne determines to go to the police but soon they hear word of Kelly and Simon freaks out, admitting he sold her the pills. Realising she can't go to the police now, Leanne resolves to deal with Harvey herself.

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But first, here's everything coming up on Corrie this week...

While Leanne Battersby has been wrapped up in losing Oliver and trying to contact him through quack mediums, Simon Barlow has been busy doing jobs for new kid on the block Jacob to earn money.

But when Leanne realises what Simon's been up to she's horrified, and soon the pair are at each others' throats.

Asha Alahan Corrie
Asha worries she's losing Nina ©ITV


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Yasmeen Nazir is finally ready to return to work at Speed Dahl but it's not long before she's thrown by a customer asking after Geoff Metcalfe, and as things descend into chaos, her grand daughter Alya is concerned.

Asha Alahan is mortified when her embarrassing dad makes a special effort to make her new girlfriend Nina Lucas feel welcome, especially when Nina starts backing off.

Jenny Connor is concerned about Johnny Connor in prison, and Paul Foreman needs to find a place of his own.

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