Coronation Street spoilers: Peter Barlow’s boat burns – who started the fire?

Peter Barlow boat fire

by Marianna Manson |
Updated on

Next week on Coronation Street, there's tragedy in Weatherfield when Peter Barlow's boat catches fire...

...with Simon Barlow still inside it

After snubbing Abi Franklin for an upcoming sailing trip, Peter is convinced that she started the fire as an act of revenge. But when Sarah-Louise Platt finds that the CCTV footage from the boat has been tampered with, there's only one suspect who springs to mind.

Shona Ramsey finds herself out of her depth when her incarcerated son Clayton asks her to get involved in prison affairs. Nick Tisley quickly realises she'd up to something, but before he can intervene Shona gets a call from the hospital – Clayton is in trouble.

Tracy Barlow and Steve McDonald are shocked to realise that Amy Barlow has been lying to them an hasn't been for her twelve week scan. They promise to support her no matter what, but when it's revealed who the father is, they are stunned.

Tyrone Dobbs is grateful for Mary Taylor's offer to help with childcare, but soon Kevin Webster is ribbing him for it, saying Mary has a crush.

When Tyrone finds a Valentine's card from a mystery admirer on his door mat, he starts to worry Kevin might be right.

CHECK OUT Corrie spoilers Monday 11 - Friday 15 February


Coronation Street spoilers: week 7

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Shona becomes the subject of suspicion when she becomes involved with some local thugs, heeding Clayton's tip that they're prison bullies and she must agree to their demands, or they'll come after her too.

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Nick Tilsey has witnessed the confrontation and demands to know what's going on, but soon Shona receives a call from the hospital.

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Shona is told that Clayton has been beaten up in prison and she rushes to visit him.

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Seeing him bloodied and bruised in the hospital, Shona's heart breaks for Clayton – especially when he tells her he wishes she'd died, instead of his dad.

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David has squeezed what little information he had from Nick, and turns up at Shona's flat, demanding the truth.

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Shona plays down the events from prison, and doesn't mention the drugs.

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Meanwhile, Abi is drowning her sorrows in the pub after Peter tells her he's been offered a three month sailing gig in Kefalonia and he's accepting – without her.

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Abi realises that she's already fallen for Peter and is gutted he's leaving. Later on, she lashes out at Carla for keeping Peter dangling and unable to move on.

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Seeing how upset she is, Peter eventually invites Abi along for the trip, but this doesn't sit well with Simon.

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Simon is furious that his dad's chosen Abi over him, and so Peter goes back on his word and says that Simon can come instead, as Abi means nothing to him. Seb overhears the whole thing.

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Later on, Peter is alerted to a fire on the boat, as a crowd gathers in the street.

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Asha tells him that Simon is still on the boat, as he'd been showing them around it just minutes before.

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Furious, Peter goes in search of Abi, convinced that she's started the fire as a drunken act of revenge.

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Will Simon get out in time?

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Carla is shocked to find Roy sleep walking in the street.

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She gently guides him to a wall, and tells him she thinks he needs to talk to someone, as his mother's death has clearly affected him more than he thought.

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After catching Roy pouring over the inscription on his mums ring again, Carla decides to try and solve the mystery herself.

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She takes the ring to Brian, who decides to search the local records for information.

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As the police investigation around the fire gets underway, Sarah is surprised to realise that CCTV footage from the boat over the last few months has been deleted.

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With only one person who has access to the footage, Peter storms round to Carla's house – she has some explaining to do.

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But Carla vehemently denies having any involvement in the fire, and Roy fights her corner.

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Jenny and Jonny return for their emergency trip away to find the pub in disarray, and Gemma and Chesney locked in the basement after a snogging session.

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Emma asks for more shifts, and Gemma puts pressure on Jenny to give them to her, saying she needs the help. Emma is thrilled – can they be friends after all?

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Back at Chesney's flat, a cosy family night in goes wrong when Gemma accidentally scolds herself on the kettle, and swears in front of Joseph.

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That night when Chesney is putting Joseph to bed, the little boy says Gemma's swear word back to him. Chesney is furious with Gemma.

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Frustrated that the evening is ruined, Gemma storms out of the house. Will the couple make up?

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Tracy and Steve have no choice but to confront Amy when they find out that Amy has been lying to them about her twelve week scan.

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It turns out she never went to it, and the future of the baby is still in the air. Steve and Tracy tell Amy they'll support her no matter what, but they're interrupted by Vicky.

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Everyone is flabbergasted when Vicky announces that Tyler is sorry for what he said – and he want's to be part of the babies life after all. Eek!

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Tyrone is struggling to juggle parenthood and work, but doesn't want to fork out on childcare.

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Thankfully, Mary is around to save the day – she insists she's happy to babysit for free, and that it's just nice to be involved.

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Grateful for her help, Tyrone and Kevin head out for a few much needed beers and socialising. Tyrone is touched when Mary offers to pop a hot water bottle in his bed for when he gets back, but Kevin thinks she's making a move.

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With the idea now in his head, Tyrone is unnerved when, after bidding Mary goodnight, he finds a Valentine's card on the door mat.

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Worried the Valentine's card is from Mary, Tyrone and Kevin construct a plan to see if they can match up Mary's handwriting against the writing in the card.

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Now let's recap on what's happening this week.

Chemma (that's Chesney Brown and Emma Brooker, FYI) makes way for Chemma (Chesney and Gemma Winter) to blossom

Watching the two of them hug it out after Chesney stages an impressive rescue mission to get Gemma and her brother Paul Forman out of the back of a locked van, Emma decides to take a step back, and let the two of them be together. You can't fight true love, right?

But as Gemma flaunts her conquest in front of Gemma, she can't be sure she's made the right choice.

As the date of Jenny Bradley's court date looms, she's copes (or rather, doesn't cope) by hitting the bottle and ordering everyone out of the pub. Liz McDonald is her surprising savior.

But when the day rolls around, Liz is nowhere to be seen. Steve McDonald panics as the police put out a search for her.

Brian Packham and Cathy Matthews decide that they will by the Kabin. But they are certainly not prepared for Rita Tanner's reaction to the news.

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