A meddling Mary calls the cops on Angie!
Her heart is in the right place but seriously; Mary is shaping up to be the mother-in-law from hell! It’s no wonder Angie is itching to hop on the first plane back to South Africa!
The over-bearing florist recently went AWOL with her cute grandson George leaving Angie in a blind panic that Mary had kidnapped him but next week her mother-in-law’s antics reach new heights when she tips off the police and gets Angie arrested!

The trouble kicks off when Mary discovers a pamphlet about alcoholism in Angie’s bag. Never one to let things lie, Norris's other half becomes convinced that Angie is secretly knocking back the booze.
“Angie can be distant and removed’, says Patti Claire who plays the bonkers granny, “ Mary is constantly trying to work out why and that’s when she comes up with the idea that Angie has a drink problem.”

Infact, she’s so certain that alcohol is at the root of Angie’s problems she arranges a special dinner party and wheels out the cobbles resident alcoholic…none other than our favourite Peter Barlow!
Cue an incredibly awkward dinner party in which Mary encourages Peter to recount some of his boozy horror stories as a secret warning to an utterly bemused Angie. (It could be a long dinner, when it comes to ‘boozy horror stories’, Peter’s got enough material to fill an Encyclopaedia!)

Later on and still certain that Angie is secretly squirrelling away lashings of Vodka, Mary is alarmed when little George becomes unwell while she’s babysitting him.

When Angie, who’s been in the Bistro, insists on driving the little tot straight to hospital, alarm bills are ringing for protective nan Mary.
“Mary thinks her grandson is in danger because there is a drunk driver setting off. That leads her to call the police!”, says Patti.
Angie is stunned when the cops arrive on the scene! But how will she react when she discovers it’s Jude’s mum who’s alerted them?
Uh oh…it looks like the already super- strained relationship between Mary and Angie is about to take a very sharp nose-dive!...
Do you think Mary did the right thing or has she gone way too far? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter
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