Eva teams up with Adam for EPIC revenge on cheating Aidan in Coronation Street

Eva and Adam Corrie

by Katy Brent |
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Eva Price is getting ready to unleash hell on cheating Aidan Connor and now she's teaming up with Adam Barlow

Uh-oh, Corrie's Aidan Connor had better watch his back as his scorned girlfriend is about to team up with his arch-enemy to bring him down. Eva recently discovered that Aidan has been cheating on her for piggin' months with resident man-snatcher, Maria Connor. But instead of just confronting the lying pair and pulling Maria onto the cobbles by her hair, Eva's decided to extract her revenge in a much more classy manner.

Eva, Aidan and Adam Corrie
Adam continues to blackmail Aidan (credit: ITV) ©ITV

Eva's plan is almost ruined next week when Adam - who has been trying to blackmail Aidan with a photo he took of him snogging Maria in the ginnel - confronts the factory boss in front of Eva and demands he tell her the thruth.

Eva, panicked that her plan to leave Aidan high and dry, will be over if he realises she knows about the affair, pretends to faint. As Aidan dashes off to get her some water, Eva asks Adam to stop blackmailing Aidan as she wants to forget the affair for the sake of the baby.

Eva and Adam Corrie
Adam shows Eva the picture (credit: ITV) ©ITV

Later, they decide to join forces to stich Adian up. First the convince Aidan to sign over the flat to Eva. Their second scheme involves him handing his share of the factory over.


Eva finds out the truth about Aidan and Maria (credit: ITV)

But will Aidan do it?

Do you think Eva is going too far? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter

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