Coronation Street: Nick Tilsley and David Platt stand trial

Nick and David

by Marianna Manson |
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Next week on Coronation Street, the factory roof collapse saga continues as David Platt and Nick Tilsley face trial

Family relationships have been in tatters since the tragedy and Gail Platt is at her wit's end trying to bring them back together.

But when Nick tries to extend an olive branch to Audrey Roberts, Paula Martin steps in to remind him he's breaking the terms of his bail.

Elsewhere in Weatherfield, Yasmeen Nazir is heartbroken to find some sentimental and valuable items stolen from her house.


Geoff Metcalfe is determined to help, but when Ayla Nazir and Ryan Connor spot incriminating evidence against him, will he lose their trust?

Carla Connor arrives back in town and is quick to make some big changes when it comes to her assets. Concerned she's behaving rashly, Peter Barlow tries to intervene to take control.

But Carla is furious when she finds out, and tells Peter she needs his support.

Sean Tully is annoyed when Paul Foreman jeopardises his date with a potential suitor by sending a crude message.

CHECK OUT Coronation Street spoilers Monday 1 - Friday 5 July


Coronation Street spoilers: week 27

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Following Alya's night out, Yasmeen is heartbroken when she realises that her jewellery and some treasure photographs are missing, and Geoff quickly points the finger at Alya's DJ friends.

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Mortified, Ayla is determined to get to the bottom of it and in the meantime offers to pay Yasmeen back, but their worth is immaterial. Alya enlists Ryan to help her with her investigation.

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Later on, as Alya and Ryan are pounding the pavement for clues, they notice Geoff walking ahead of them. As they're about to call out after him, they notice something fall out of his pocket – Yasmeen's bracelet.

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Back at number 6, Alya and Ryan confront Geoff and accuse him of stealing the jewellery himself. Insulted, Geoff pulls out a receipt and insists he bought the bracelet as a replacement, and says if they don't trust him, he'll move out.

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The next day, Geoff promises Yasmeen he'll do whatever he can to help and says he'll contact the insurance company on her behalf. Later on, when Geoff admits he "mistakenly" gave them his bank details instead of hers, Yasmeen isn't phased.

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Exhausted by the animosity in the family, Nick makes an attempt to clear things up with Audrey but is intercepted by Paula, who reminds him that he's in breach of his bail conditions by talking to her.

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In a last ditch attempt, Nick suggests a get together for Leanne's birthday and Gail agrees to invite Audrey along. But when Nick arrives at Leanne's house with a gift expecting a party, he's furious to find Leanne alone.

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Assuming it's David's meddling that's to blame, Nick storms over to number 8 where things quickly escalate. Before long the brothers have come to blows, with a desperate Gail in the middle of them, trying to calm them down.

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Later on, David gets even more angry when Imran lets slip Nick's latest plan to swerve prison, and decides he's not going to play clean any longer. David tells an anxious Shona that if Nick can lie to the courts, then so can he.

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The next day, both David and Nick are due to appear in court. A family meeting held by Gail the night before had descended into chaos when the brothers still refused to see eye-to-eye.

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With familial relationships in tatters, Gail is in bits worrying about David and Nick and what the outcome of the hearing will be.

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Despite agreeing to spend the day with her mum, Audrey is stunned when she realises that Gail has abandoned her to travel to the courts to watch David and Nick's hearing.

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Peter shares the news that Carla is due home soon and Sarah worries that she'll want to take back over the factory again. When Carla arrives back in Weatherfield she heads to the community centre to see her staff and receives a mixed reception.

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Peter worries that Carla is still struggling with psychosis and acting irresponsibly, so arranges with Roy to get power of attorney, so he can protect her assets. Carla is furious when she finds out.

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Carla explains to Peter that her illness has made her realise what's important to her, and tells him she needs him to support her. Peter is apologetic, and as they move back into Roy's flat agree to move forward.

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Meanwhile, Sarah tells the factory workers that Carla is home and warns them that things might be about to change again. But when Beth drops the bombshell that Carla has gifted all her factory shares to the workers, they are stunned – and Nick is livid.

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Maria is cutting Ali's hair at the salon when she receives a call from the school saying Liam is unwell. Maria ushers Ali out and they both head over to the school. An admiring Ali ponders what a great mum Maria is, which doesn't go unnoticed by Liam.

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After a disastrous stint with online dating, a downtrodden Maria complains to Ali at the pub about her non-existent love life. Ali lends a supportive ear and suggests that maybe there's someone for her, right under her nose...

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Sean is nervously preparing for a date, but Paul makes matters worse when he thinks he's being "funny" by sending a crude text from Sean's phone. When Sean sees the message, he's furious, and a row ensues.

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By the time they finish sniping at each other, Sean is late for his date. Later on a dejected Sean tells Billy that by the time he showed up, his date was snogging someone else! He blames Paul's stupid text for scaring him off, and flounces off.

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With animosity still brewing, Sean jumps to conclusions when the medical centre charity box goes missing, having spotted Paul in the park earlier engaged in some dodgy dealings with a stranger.

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When Paul is approached by the police about the missing charity box, they tell him he was reported by Moira on Sean's say-so. Paul is livid, and when he finds Sean Billy has to stop him from attacking him.

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Yasmeen Nazir is left shaken after a hooded man mugs her in the street

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