Coronation Street: Daniel Osborne and Sinead Tinker get her test results

Corrie spoilers

by Marianna Manson |
Updated on

Next week on Coronation Street, Sinead Tinker and Daniel Osborne finally get the results of Sinead's MRI scan

Is it good news for the new parents?

Robert Preston's illicit date with Vicky Jefferies is interrupted when Michelle Connor, manning a catering event, calls to say they've run out of food.


Robert comes to the rescue, but can he manage to hide his prior whereabouts from Michelle?

At the event, Michelle can't help but see the chemistry between Ryan Connor and Alya Nazir. Can she set them up again?

Sean Tully's attacker is revealed, but can Paul Foreman convince Sean and Billy Fletcher it wasn't him?

And when Billy finds out, will he stay loyal to Paul?

CHECK OUT Coronation Street spoilers: Monday 8 - Friday 12 July


Coronation Street spoilers: week 28

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With Michelle overseeing the charity fundraiser event, Robert has the afternoon free and makes plans to visit Vicky.

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But soon he receives a panicked call from Michelle – there's not enough food for the event, and cant he bring some more from the bistro?

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Frustrated, Robert agrees to come to the rescue, but at the venue is constantly screening calls from Vicky, telling Michelle it's a supplier.

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After he finally manages to get away, Michelle can't help but notice Alya sneaking glances at Ryan and is convinced she's still got a thing for him.

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Alya and Ryan decide to humour Michelle and go along with her attempts to set them up, but it's clear that chemistry is still fizzling.

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The next day, Robert wants to make things up to Vicky for bailing on her and successfully bribes Ryan to man the restaurant on his own.

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That evening, Alya has booked Ryan for another gig at Speed Dahl, and the two are clearly excited to see each other again.

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After a roaring set, an impressed Alya pulls Ryan aside and the two share a kiss in the shadows of the restaurant.

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Over lunch at the café, a beaten and bruised Sean confronts Paul over the attack, convinced that it was Paul who sparked him, but Paul is insistent that is had nothing to do with him.

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Paul's friend Marley confides in Paul that it was him who had attacked Sean. When Billy finds out, he implores Paul to do the right thing.

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Failing to have convinced him, Billy tells Paul that he's reported Marley to the police. Furious that Billy has betrayed him, Paul ends their relationship.

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Things are still frost between Gail and Audrey, who is angry at Gail for abandoning her at the hospital to attend Nick and David's hearing.

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After Gail walks out in a rage, Sarah grows concerned when she doesn't return, eventually calling the police to report her missing,

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With Gail still missing and their second court date looming, a furious David blames Nick for driving Gail away and the brother's lock horns once more.

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David tells Shona that Nick has agreed to tell the truth in court about the factory roof collapse – but Leanna implores Nick to stick to the plan, saying she needs him home in Weatherfield.

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During their court appearance, Nick goes back on his word to David and tells the judge and jury that his brain injury stopped him from thinking straight, and that David masterminded the whole thing.

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At the hospital, Sinead and Daniel receive the news that Sinead's tumour has shrunk and hasn't spread to anywhere else, but Sinead confides in Daniel that she's still scared it could come back at any moment.

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Eileen lays her cards on the table with Jan and opens up about her troubled marriage to Phelan and a supportive Jan reassures her she'll find love again.

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When Jan leans in for a kiss, Eileen is stunned. She kisses him back for a moment, before pulling away and telling him she's not ready for a relationship.

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Seb is thrilled and surprised when he receives a call from Alina, but when he suggests they meed up, she abruptly ends the call.

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Paying her a visit at the nail salon, Alina tells a stunned Seb that they're through – all the while her boss is looking over her shoulder. Seb is stunned, and Jan advises him to move on.

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Now let's recap on what's happening this week in Weatherfield...

The factory roof collapse saga continues as David Platt and Nick Tilsley face trial.

Family relationships have been in tatters since the tragedy and Gail Platt is at her wit's end trying to bring them back together.

But when Nick tries to extend an olive branch to Audrey Roberts, Paula Martin steps in to remind him he's breaking the terms of his bail.


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Elsewhere in Weatherfield, Yasmeen Nazir is heartbroken to find some sentimental and valuable items stolen from her house.

Geoff Metcalfe is determined to help, but when Ayla Nazir and Ryan Connor spot incriminating evidence against him, will he lose their trust?

Carla Connor arrives back in town and is quick to make some big changes when it comes to her assets. Concerned she's behaving rashly, Peter Barlow tries to intervene to take control.

But Carla is furious when she finds out, and tells Peter she needs his support.

Sean Tully is annoyed when Paul Foreman jeopardises his date with a potential suitor by sending a crude message.

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