"At first I was laughing as Kavana finally did something other than blend into the house decor. I find it funny when he gets tipsy as he suddenly becomes camp, and I love me some camp just as much as Cami Li loves her some d*ck!
When Big Brother called him to the diary room and (encouraged by his housemates) the already drunk Kavana downed a glass of wine and as he made his way up the stairs said 'F**k off the lot of ya, not you Keith, never you.'

A bemused looking Keith said, 'That really p***es me off… we all have to stay up until he finishes drinking,' Kav in his drunk state tried to apologise and, if I'm honest, I can see why he got pissed off when Keith said he would talk to him in the morning, when he is sober.
Kavana was not happy with Chegwin's comments: 'It's not about being sober, it's about being real. Don't get me started Cheggers.' Then he continued, 'Don't get me fkng started because I can say a million things about you sitting on the fence every day. You sit on the fking fence every day!'

Keith, as a recovering alcoholic, should have seen that Kavana has got issues with drink and that what he said was just antagonising him. However, what followed wasn't funny and made me feel sorry for Keith.
Kavana became quite nasty telling Keith he was his new enemy. I nearly cried when a quietly spoken Keith kept his cool and kindly said "I'm not your enemy”. Did Kavana just win Big Brother for Keith?
Nadia, of course, jumped in as referee. She needs to stop this, she is not the judge and jury of CBB but has tried to take on this role… I’m sure she thinks she is being a peace keeper but I can't wait until she watches this back and sees how Perez has come across. I have a feeling she will feel very foolish.

Alicia is silly for being pissed off with Katie P for not picking her to stay and be free from the public vote. Why should Katie P pick her? As Katie Hopkins quite rightly told Alicia, "I'm funnier than you”, which is totally true.
I did think it was very mean of Hopkins to comment on Perez's weight – as much as I dislike the man weight is such a low blow and a touchy subject. If someone called me fat in the house I think I would have left.
Katie P and Calum were talking about her spitting in his mouth years ago in a London club. It was, erm, strange to say the least, but they both clearly like the same sexual things.

Cami looked a bit put out by this, so joined in to say she also liked spitting in people's mouths. Don't worry Cami, I still think Calum only has eyes for you, but Calum and Katie P were on the party scene at the same time so it must be fun to reminisce.
I can't wait to see what Kavana does with his sore head this morning. Will he be remorseful? Will we get some spitting action from Calum and Cami? This house never fails to shock – so I can't wait to see! X"