The housemates this year are all clever and most definitely all playing games.
Mark was my favourite housemate because he has the most amazing scouse accent and he's everything a girl would want for a BFF, however i'm slowly going off off Mark. Everyone knows that when you stick up for the underdog the public like you! And thats what he's doing with Matthew considering the fact that he's close with Helen.
I understand that people play a game in the house but Mark is two faced, and not as stupid as he makes out. I would like him if I were in the house as he seems easy to get on with but considering it's a game, he's probably playing the biggest game along with Jale, who is so clever and manipulative.

*I do not understand why people are being sucked in. I respect that Jale sticks up for herself and she seems to be authentic, however she is slowly picking them off one by one by making someone look bad by her disagreeing with them making her come off as a positive person.
A few nights ago when Toya and Marlon had a disagreement, Jale advised Marlon to use the same tactics as her! Then Toya would be out.*
*Jale would put herself in situations where her nemesis Pauline would react in a negative way towards her showing her true colours which caused the public to dislike her and she then became evicted.

Helen has an awful personality, and she is rather common in the way she acts towards people, very intimidating and rather aggressive. She is a bully.
For instance, the way she told Mathew to leave the drawing room just because he mumbled and joked that he was not up for the truth or dare game they were playing. I would not have got on with her, she is everything I can't stand in a woman although I like that she seems like a loyal friend but thats about it!
*Her attitude is horrendous to watch, I hope someone gets the power to switch places with her to get a pass to the finals.

*Another housemate that is continuing to disappoint me is Toya. She's another bully and I cannot understand why people haven't noticed! *
*She walked over to the smoking area where Marlon was and completely slated him. She undermined him as a person and laughed that he had ambitions to start up a jacket label. I respect any ambitious person, even if I dislike someone at least they have goals in life who is she to question it let alone laugh at him in front of everyone it was so mean! She had something against Marlon from the start of the show, leave him alone and just focus on yourself in the house! *
Marlon is childish, so he will always retaliate. I guess being in that house drives you crazy you, and you have nothing better to do.