Casualty spoilers: Connie and Jacob buried ALIVE in shock accident


Casualty - Connie and Jacob are buried alive

by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

Connie Beauchamp (Amanda Mealing) and Jacob Masters (Chucky Venn) are, as Casualty fans will already know, perfect for one another.

In last week’s episode, we watched as Connie finally confronted her true feelings for the senior staff nurse when he put his life on the line to save her.

But, as always, there was a catch.

Caught kissing Jacob by her furious daughter, Grace, Connie was left with a cruel ultimatum; her daughter, or the love of her life.

And, in this Saturday’s episode, we will see the doctor make a heartbreaking decision, as she tells Jacob that they can’t be together.


A devastated Jacob tries to put some distance between himself and Connie, heading out with the paramedics for the day.

However he soon finds himself treating a patient in a partially collapsed building, putting himself in terrible danger.

When Connie hears where Jacob is, she races to the scene to help, and the pair are reunited as they treat the patient.

All around them, however, the unstable building is slowly shifting - and it’s not long before it collapses around them.

Casualty - Connie and Jacob are buried alive
Casualty - Connie and Jacob are buried alive ©Casualty, BBC One

Tapped in the basement, it’s a race against time as the paramedics fight to save them before it’s too late.

Will they be able to free Connie and Jacob in time? Or will the duo be buried alive?

This nail biting episode of Casualty will air Saturday, Apr 02 2016 at 21.05 on BBC One.

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