When it comes to Love Island we always wonder whether or not the contestants are able to nab some freebies on their way out and if so, what do they manage to pocket?
Do they sneak a few lipglosses and hair products in their personalised suitcase? Do they even get to keep the personalised suitcase?
Now that Love Island 2024 has come to an end, the contestants are free to chat and we had finalists Jessica Spencer and Ayo Odukoya swing by Closer HQ to reveal all.

The couple came in fourth place on the dating show and were more than happy to spill the deets on the finalists prize and these ITV producers have MONEY, ya'll.
"I took a couple of products back with me," Ayo confessed with his partner admitting the same.
"I took quite a few of the cosmetics," Jess revealed and we love a girl after out own heart.
"I took home my award, I took home my painting and out speeches, as well."
Not Jess's award for 'It's Giving One Sided' being her pride and joy on the fire place back home.

It must be ever so annoying to get dumped at the fire pit and have to be sent on your merry way without the chance to scour the villa for some products to keep, we'd be fuming.
But what we REALLY wanted to know is what the hell happens to the phones the Islanders have in the villa; all those countless selfies and group pics don't just disappear into the aether.
"We don't get to keep the phones that we get given in the villa," Jess revealed, "but I think the finalists were gifted a Google Pixel and they downloaded some of our Island pictures on the phone."

"Ones that had been approved," Jess, added, "not ones that we had chosen."
That's typical, isn't it? It's like when your parents take awful family photos and upload every single one on to Facebook for the Facebook mums to coo over.
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Emily Vierke is a digital writer for heat and Closer Online who enjoys stalking The Love Island girlies for fashion inspo especially Indiyah Polack and Grace Jackson. Emily has a soft spot for TOWIE OGs Amy and Harry, mainly because she was also not aware that the capital of India was New Delhi she DID, however, know that know it wasn't France.