**Do you struggle to watch your diet or is it something that comes quite easy to you? **
Growing up I found it harder because I never knew what I was doing and it’s not until now I have learnt what suits my body and what works best.
When I don’t cut out carbs, I don’t get cravings. I won’t crave as much bad stuff, so really it helps me.
I still allow myself a Chinese on a Saturday, that’s my religion basically, I have done it ever since I was a baby. So, that’s probably my only craving, because I do fill up in the day and I don’t feel the need to pig out. It is quite easy really.

**Did you ever worry about eating too many carbs when you were younger? **
Oh my god, yeah. Back when I was younger obviously I didn’t know a lot about it like many girls out there now. Back when I was sixteen, growing up and seeing all the slim glamorous girls, you think; “oh my god, how do I do that?”
I was literally cutting out everything and I was not eating much, doing shakes, I literally tried everything. It was making me tired, it was making me ‘aggy’ and then I would end up snacking on more things. I got memory loss…
There is so much to it.
So when you go abroad and do all your Marbs episodes, do you have a regime you stick to before hand, do you feel a bit of anxiety about that sometimes?
I think, there is not one girl in the world that doesn’t feel a little bit anxious when they are getting into a bikini on camera. It’s not a normal thing is it? I would be lying if I was like; “Oh my god, yes, bring it on!”.
I am not a Victoria’s Secret Model, I am a normal girl, I am a size 8-10 and any other girl in the world would feel those same insecurities because we’re in front of the whole nation.
But, as I have gone on in the series, I have learnt to embrace my body, I am actually happier now. Instead of worrying about little things,
What steps do you take before you set off to Marbella?
I try to drink more water, I do need to do that more, and little things like not having fizzy drinks.
It’s just about upping my routines, doing a certain amount of crunches or lunges and up it, that’s all I really do You can’t do too much, you can only do as much as your body will let you.
What is your body ‘problem area’?
I will not tell you that (laughs), there is no point telling people your flaws because all of a sudden, everyone will look at those flaws. So I will not tell anyone my flaws.
What is your favourite part? What part of your body are you most proud of?
I like my legs, because I think like growing up I was like “I’ve got really, really long legs!”, but then I realised, great, it’s good to have long legs. So, I like my legs I guess, if I had to choose something. And my curves, that just shows doesn’t it.
**Do you enjoy going to the gym with your boyfriend Tommy (Mallett) or do you prefer to work out separately? **
I definitely prefer to work out separately, just because, well, we did actually meet in the gym, funnily enough that’s actually how we met.
**So the gym is obviously a good place to meet boys? **
Exactly! You can socialise, you can show off, you can get the boys attention!
**What other celebs motivate you to stay in shape and eat healthy? **
Do you know what, I don’t really have a fitspiration because I think, every single person out there is different. Obviously the Geordie Shore girls have lost weight and they are promoting that and it works for them, and I think this works for me.
I eat well I have got a balanced diet, I don’t cut out carbs but I go to the gym regularly. For me, I do things completely different to them. I think you only know that by yourself. You have got to go with what works or you.
**What do you think of former TOWIE star’s Lauren Goodger’s amazing transformation? **
I see her pictures and she looks amazing I would love to tell her to keep going, she’s unreal.

I haven’t really spoken to her but people have said she’s got a completely different outlook on life now, she’s happy and she’s doing really well and she looks great, I can’t believe it. She is hitting the gym hard, once you hit the gym it does work.
You don’t need to be doing all these drastic diets, you don’t need to be cutting out all of this food. You’re eating well but you’re training that is what is key, you don’t need to get all drastic.
Georgia Kousoulou has re-launched Bread in a bid to encourage girls to get back into carbs this summer. Follow @weheartbread and tweet us using #BreadbyGeorgia to help spread the word.
Lauren Goodger tells us her body motivation tips in the new Closer To Diet and Fitness,on sale now!