REVEALED: Why you should *never* read your phone while you’re on the toilet

Health experts have confirmed that it’s a VERY bad idea to read your phone while you’re sitting on the loo…

Don't use your phone on the toilet

by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

We’ve all done it, haven’t we?

In the past, we read newspapers, magazines (hello, this week’s issue of Closer!) and books while we were sat on the loo.

But, in today’s day and age, our mobile phones are more likely to be our preferred option for bathroom reading material.

Which is, as it turns out, an incredibly bad idea. And it’s not just because we could wind up dropping our expensive handset in the toilet, or in the bath, or in the sink, or, you know, on the hard tiled floor.

Nope - it’s not about our phone’s wellbeing; it’s about ours.


Kelly Reynolds, Ph.D., a professor of environmental health, explained to BuzzFeed that mobile browsing while you’re on the toilet is very bad for your health.

She said: "When you flush the toilet, water with faeces and urine sprays about six feet in every direction.

"And the aerosols increase with every flush, so if it’s a public bathroom, there is dirty toilet water coating literally everything — especially the toilet paper dispenser, because it’s right next to the toilet bowl."

Which, in layman’s terms, means that your bathroom is literally covered in tiny specks of urine and faecal matter - aka poo.

That means that, anytime you touch ANYTHING in your bathroom, you’re going to get all of that micro poop on your fingers.

And, yes, transfer it to your phone.

Which means that, every time you phone someone for a chat, you’ll be pressing your cheek right up against… well, you know what.

Plus we’re willing to bet that you, just like we do, tend to leave your incredibly dirty phone next to your bed as you sleep.

Just in case you still weren’t sure why this was a bad idea, poo contains a lot of germs, including E. coli, which can make you very, very sick indeed.

Throw in the fact that it’s just disgusting and you have a recipe for leaving your phone OUTSIDE the bathroom next time you need to go.

Do you read your phone in the bathroom?

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