Over the past year, our body has had to adapt to on-going change. With our daily routines being shifted due to working from home and home schooling taking its toll, our bodies have no doubt been deprived of good quality sleep at times.
Research supports this, with two in five of us finding that we are sleeping fewer hours a night compared to before lockdown. Alongside this, Holland & Barrett has seen sales of sleep and relaxation products grow by 30% year on year, as the nation looks for natural ways to wind down.
Emily Rollason, Senior Nutritionist at Holland & Barrett highlights: “A good night’s sleep is just as important for our wellness as a healthy diet and regular exercise. In fact, your diet and exercise levels are intrinsically linked to your quality of sleep, and are just as important to consider as the setup of your bedroom.”
One thing many of us have relied on more whilst working from home is caffeine. With the kitchen only being a few steps away, it’s no surprise to learn that lockdown has seen an increase in[ 27% of Brits drinking tea since March 2020. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/uk-tea-football-pitch-poll-b1785356.html356.html)
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Emily shares: “Many of us know that caffeine has a stimulatory effect and it can keep us feeling energised, but what you might not be aware of is how long it takes the body to process caffeine - it may surprise you! Caffeine has a half-life of four to six hours in the body, meaning it can take up to six hours for your body to process just half of the caffeine you’ve consumed. That cup of coffee you had in the afternoon for a quick pick-me-up, could still be affecting your sleep at night!
“It’s recommended to have less than 400mg of caffeine per day, so it’s a good idea to consider other things you eat and drink that may also contain caffeine, such as teas, carbonated drinks, or even supplements and medication. Try to fit these into your morning routine where possible, so it can be processed thoroughly by bedtime”.
As well as a healthy diet and regular exercise supporting a good night’s sleep, founder of Psychic Sisters Jayne Wallace, who has worked with celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Kate Hudson, has shared her five tips to help aid a restful night’s sleep.
1) Relaxing facial ritual
“Introduce a relaxing facial ritual into your evening skincare regime – I use the Aventurine Facial Wand. Aventurine is known for its ability to help balance, soothe, calm and relax. I use mine every night with my regular facial oil or moisturiser.”

2) Positive affirmations
“Try to draft some positive and calming affirmations and repeat these a few times each night. Phrases such as “I’m relaxed and calm” “I feel happy and complete” “I am de-stressed and relaxed” or “My mind is calm and de-cluttered.”
3) Breathing techniques
“People underestimate the power of calming breathing techniques. I would always suggest selecting a calming crystal such as Aventurine or Amethyst, hold it to your chest and do a series of deep breaths, counting in for three, hold for four and then out for five - whilst you’re in breathe focus on positive energy and when you breathe out get rid of any negative thoughts from the day.”
4) Candles & Crystals
“I’d suggest lighting a candle, such as the This Works Candle, as it has infusions of chamomile, which helps to relax the mind, body and soul. Alongside this, theSleep Well Crystals Sethas all the crystals you need for a good night’s sleep, helping to bring wellness and peace into your evening.”
5) Communication
“Before you go to sleep, clear your mind of all negative thoughts by writing them all down in some kind of journal. This helps relieve your mind of things that may be worrying you, helping to give you a restful sleep.”
Shop: the best sleep products to have on your radar
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Sleep products 2021

Psychic Sisters Aventurine Facial Wand
Helps balance, relax and calm the skin to leave you with a vibrant glow. Keep in the fridge for best results.

Skin & Tonic Sleep Recovery Night Oil
A nourishing blend of Omega 3 and six rich nutrient oils to renew and revive tired skin.

Heath & Heather Organic Night Time 20 Tea Bags
An organic blend of chamomile, spearmint and valerian root to help relax at night-time.

Holland & Barrett Gut Powered Night 30 Capsules
Contains over 10+ billion live friendly bacteria, with added chamomile flower powder, vitamin B6 and magnesium which can reduce fatigue.

This Works Deep Sleep Heavenly Candle
A dreamy candle which contains calming Lavender and soothing Roman Chamomile essential oils

Tisserand Sleep Better Pillow Mist
Spritz over your pillow, bed linen or around your room for a deeper sleep.
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