Quit smoking for free with our hypontherapy video

Watch this video and listen to Harley Street hypnotherapist Susan Hepburn's amazing treatment to help you quit smoking


by Fiona Day |
Published on

Susan says: "Hypnotherapy is powerful, .... it is a simple, yet radical way to gain control of your smoking habit. It is a mind-body revolution: a way to change the way you think about smoking forever.

"The concept of “mindfulness” is central to hypnosis and mindfulness is gathering force as a highly effective psychological tool, both in popular culture and mainstream psychology. Being more mindful to ensure that you never smoke again and you will not feel deprived or missing out on anything. Hypnotherapy does all of this.

"In effect I reprogramme your mind to not want a smoke ever again. So you are are ready to take action and quit smoking."

Watch the hypotherapy video below:


Here are a few tips to help you mentally prepare and make the decision easier to quit

*** 1. Choose a ‘quit date’ which will be as stress free as possible ***

***2. Calculate how much smoking costs you annually and the time wasted thinking about that next smoke ***

***3. Enjoy planning what you can or will buy with the money saved ***

***4. See yourself as a non-smoker when you quit .... and not an ex smoker ***

***5. Ensure that you want to quit for ‘you’ rather than being pressurised by someone else. ***

**6. Drink lots of water after quitting, in order to flush out toxins. **

Susan tells us:

"The many health benefits from quitting smoking are evident from the moment you quit, I have treated smokers of all ages from 12 years to 80 years. You will feel healthier, have more energy, your skin tone will glow and self-confidence increases enormously.

"But don’t just take my word for it, here are some facts: After 20 mins - your pulse rate and blood pressure (BP) return to normal. This is vital to health as high BP increases your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. After 12 hours - many toxins such as carbon monoxide leave your body and you can breathe more easily and energy levels increase, with less strain on your heart. After 2 weeks - your lungs begin to work better and the risk of heart attack decreases. Your circulation improves and you feel fitter and healthier."

"After 3 months – your lungs have regained some of the capacity to clean themselves (providing there is no irreparable lung damage such as emphysema) and blood flow to your limbs will be improved enormously."

She continues: "Quitting smoking ‘cold turkey‘ can be stressful and takes days to feel normal again .... However with hypnotherapy, it is instant and takes one hour. Yes, just a one hour session is needed to quit smoking. I have always believed that you don't need to deliver the message more than once. You have no cravings, no inclination and no desire to smoke again and do not need a substitute. There are no side effects such as irritability or weight gain (normally assocuated with quitting smoking) with my method."

"The chances of relapsing are very rare indeed, however if you have a moment of weakness
 do some breathing exercises.

"Take a deep breath through your mouth, hold for a moment, then let it out. Repeat this 10 times. By practising the daily breathing exercises, you will tap into your subconcsious mind, the part of the mind where the smoking cravings began. You have embarked upon a self improvement programme by being a non smoker, Continue the healthy eating, drinking lots of water and exercising as a new lifestyle change.

During the hypntherapy, I will ‘delete’ the connections and associations that make you crave a smoke. Then you will, quite simply, no longer want to smoke."

Susan has clinics in Harley Street, the City and Essex. To find out more visit www.susanhepburn.com.

NOTE: Susan recommends never to use the nicotine replacement products as you can become addicted to these too and as they contain nicotine, this still gets into the bloodstream.

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