Depression: Symptoms, causes, treatments, and more

Could you be suffering from depression? Read through for the signs and symptoms - and what help is available


by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

What is depression?

Depression is more than feeling unhappy for a few days; it is when you’re persistently sad for weeks or months.

According to Depression UK, depression is “a mood disorder characterised by low mood and a wide range of other possible symptoms, which will vary from person to person”.

In short, it is a real illness, with real symptoms, and will often require treatment. It is not something you can “snap out of” by “pulling yourself together”.

What are the signs and symptoms of depression?

The 10 psychological symptoms of depression

  1. Continuing sadness

  2. Feeling hopeless / helpless

  3. Feeling anxious or worried

  4. Feeling irritable and intolerant of others

  5. Feeling stressed and frustrated

  6. Wanting to hide away from people, perhaps even by staying in bed

  7. Numbness, lethargy and a loss of interest in things and activities you used to enjoy

  8. Finding it difficult to make decisions

  9. Feeling tearful or weepy

  10. Feeling suicidal, or wanting to harm yourself

The 10 physical symptoms of depression

  1. Unexplained aches or pains

  2. Increase in appetite / loss of appetite

  3. Constipation

  4. Lack of energy

  5. Loss of interest in sex

  6. Difficulty sleeping

  7. Changes to your menstrual cycle

  8. Moving or speaking more slowly than normal

  9. Constant tiredness

  10. Occasions of dizziness or nausea

REMEMBER: There are many other symptoms of depression and they can vary widely from person to person, so you may not have every symptom listed above.

If you experience some of these symptoms for most of the day, every day for more than two weeks, you should seek help from your GP.

What causes depression?

Depression can happen at any age, and, while more women are diagnosed with depression than are men, this may be because women are more likely to seek treatment.

Factors that may increase the risk of developing depression include:

  • A high-stress job or work environment

  • Certain personality traits, such as low self esteem or being overly critical

  • Sleep disorders

  • A traumatic or unhappy childhood

  • Lack of social support

  • Blood relatives with a history of depression

  • Alcohol or drug abuse

  • Serious or chronic illness

  • History of other mental health disorders, such as anxiety disorder, eating disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Certain medications, such as some high blood pressure medications or sleeping pills (talk to your doctor before stopping any medication)

  • Major life events, such as redundancy or divorce (even positive ones, such as the wedding)

  • Giving birth (the hormonal and physical changes, not to mention added responsibility, can cause postnatal depression)

  • Grief over the death of a loved one

  • Financial problems

  • Loneliness

  • Physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse

  • Conditions affecting the brain and nervous system

  • Hormonal problems, especially thyroid and parathyroid problems

  • Low blood sugar

  • Poor diet / fitness

  • Chemical changes in the brain

REMEMBER: There is no single cause of depression and it has many different triggers. It is not a sign of weakness - it is a real condition, and if you believe that you or someone you know are suffering from depression, please do seek advice from your doctor.

What does it feel like to be clinically depressed?

The below video from Mind sees Hannah, Helen, Rishi, Nathan and Georgina talking about what it feels like to have depression, how they've learnt to cope and how their friends and family help them.

How is depression diagnosed?

If you are experiencing consistent symptoms of depression, then it is important to speak to your GP; the sooner you seek treatment, the sooner your depression will lift.

How will the doctor test you for depression?

There is no physical test for depression.

Your GP will ask you lots of questions about your general health, how your depression is affecting you mentally and physically, and about mood triggers.

REMEMBER: Be honest with your doctor and describe your symptoms / how they are affecting you in as detailed a way as possible.

Any discussion you have will be confidential, unless your GP believes there is a significant risk of harm to yourself or others.

How is depression treated?

There are many different treatments available for depression, and your doctor will choose one for you depending on the severity of your symptoms.

Mind have recommended the following guidelines for the treatment of depression:

  • Active monitoring – this is for mild depression and means keeping an eye on you while waiting to see if your depression goes away without treatment, which mild depression often does

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), including self-help books, computerised CBT for mild depression; a series of sessions with a therapist for more severe depression

  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

  • Behavioural activation

  • Other forms of talking treatment, such as counselling or interpersonal psychotherapy.

  • Medication for severe depression, but not for mild to moderate depression unless other treatments have not helped. This should be combined with CBT or psychotherapy

  • Exercise

What can I do to help lift my depression?

Exercise is very good for lifting your mood levels, so experts recommend taking part in physical activities for at least 30 minutes every day.

They also suggest reaching out to friends and family for help - even sending a text or making a phone call can help to prevent you from feeling isolated and remind you that you are not alone.

They also suggest…

  • Keep a journal / diary

  • Treat yourself to positive experiences, such as a long bubble bath or tea with a friend

  • Maintain a healthy diet (oily fish, bananas, leafy greens, and nuts are good mood boosters)

  • Keep to a routine (set regular bedtimes and wake ups, for example)

  • Avoid alcohol or substance abuse

  • Spend time with friends and family

  • Try to get outside for at least 20 minutes a day, to ensure you get your dose of Vitamin D

  • Set reminders for yourself if you are finding you are more forgetful than normal

  • Set yourself realistic and attainable goals

  • Look into attending Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) sessions

  • Seek help or reach out when you are feeling low

  • Try massage or homeopathy

  • Consider taking up a new hobby, such as choir or drama

Where can I find help for depression?

1) Mind UK

PHONE: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)


2) Samaritans

PHONE: 116 123 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)


3) Depression UK

4) NHS

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