With colds, flu and the dreaded virus still circulating around it is a good idea to find ways to boost your immune system. Natural home remedies such as turmeric, vitamin C and vitamin D3 are all excellent immune system boosters as well as many other supplements, oils and medicines.
No matter how much we try, we can never truly avoid the common cold. Even the healthiest person on the planet is susceptible.
If you're currently suffering and are in need of some cold and flu remedies, there are some things you can do to ease your symptoms and feel a little better.
Cold remedies that work
Staying hydrated
Drinking plenty of fluids helps to combat dehydration and loosen up any congestion. You should drink water, hot water with honey and lemon, ginger tea, broths and soups to help kick the cold.
Getting some rest
Sleep is amazing, isn't it? It helps boost the immune system and can help you recover from a cold more quickly, so the most important thing to do while you're ill is to rest. Struggling to sleep? Invest in a diffuser and some essential oils to decongest your nose and a back support to help you breathe more easily.

Relieving pain
Adults can take ibuprofen and paracetamol to combat the aches and pains that come with a cold. Having a hot bath is also great for soothing and relaxing muscles; add a few drops of Olbas Oil or eucalyptus oil to tackle your blocked nose, too.
Sooth a sore throat
Gargling saltwater is the simplest way to soothe a sore throat, but there are lots of lozenges, throat sprays and drinkable remedies available which will also help. Adding some clove essential oil to your diffuser will also help relieve throat pain.
Visiting your pharmacist
Attempting to get antibiotics for a common cold is a fruitless task - antibiotics attack bacteria, but not cold viruses. Plus, the more often you take them, the less likely they are to work for you in the future. Your pharmacist can recommend treatments depending on your symptoms and you can get everything you need right there and then.
Research natural cold and flu remedies
Taking certain supplements could help reduce your symptoms as well as help you get rid of your cold quicker. Here are some of the most popular:
Natural cold and flu remedies

Organic Amla Vitamin C Capsules
The one thing people tell you to do when you're suffering with a cold is to stock up on orange juice or vitamin C, and for good reason. Taking vitamin C supplements can reduce cold severity and duration and can help fend off future colds if taken regularly.

Nu U Nutrition Zinc Tablets
Some studies have suggested that zinc is useful in shortening the length and severity of a cold. It's thought that zinc stops rhinovirus (the predominant cause of the common cold) from replicating in the body.

Clove Essential Oil
Cloves are packed with anti-inflammatory compounds, which can aid sore throats, coughs and sinusitis. You can happily grab some from your kitchen cupboard to chew on, or mix it with hot water, but if you'd rather not, opt for an essential oil and pop it in your diffuser.

Lindens Super Garlic 6000mg High Strength Capsules
Garlic isn't just a delicious addition to your spag bol, it's also good for reducing your symptoms or preventing colds entirely. If you still want to have a social life, though, chowing down on a bulb or two won't be ideal. These tablets will do the trick.

Natures Aid EchinEeze Echinacea
Echinacea is thought to have immune-boosting properties and is popular for relieving stuffiness, sneezing, and sinus pressure.

Mystic Moments Eucalyptus Australiana Essential Oil
Eucalyptus oil is another one that's great for your diffuser, helping to unblock noses and relieve chesty coughs. You can also add a drop to a carrier oil and rub it on your chest (although never rub the pure oil directly on to the skin).

Rowse Organic Squeezable Honey
Honey could help fight some bacteria and viruses due to its antimicrobial properties and it's also soothing for a sore throat. Try stirring honey into hot water with lemon.

Olbas Oil Inhalant Decongestant
Olbas Oil is a natural decongestant made up from the oils of cajuput, clove, eucalyptus, juniperberry and mint, so it's packed full of nose-clearing properties. It can be inhaled, put in a diffuser or in the bath to help you breathe more clearly, and can help soothe muscles, too.

Mystic Moments Peppermint Premium Organic Essential Oil
Peppermint is a great natural remedy for congestion, blocked sinuses, headaches and fever-reducer. The menthol and cooling effects of peppermint oil work well in a diffuser, or add a few drops to a bowl of medium-hot water and place a towel over your head to inhale the peppermint steam. This compound may affect the mucus receptors in the nose, which helps to open the airways and clear mucus, relieving you from sinus congestion.

Haliborange Adult Vegan Vitamin D3
Vitamin D is essential for maintaining your immune system and for many functions in the body. We cannot absorb as much Vitamin D from the sun during the colder and darker months, so supplements are essential. These adult gummies will not be hard to remember as they taste like sweets but are filled with immune-supporting vitamins. You can also get immune supportand adult multi-vitamin gummies from the Haliborange range.

Nutrition Geeks Turmeric Tablets 2000mg with Black Pepper & Ginger
Turmeric and ginger are powerhouses when it comes to managing pain holistically. Curcuminoids is the main active ingredient in turmeric and black pepper activates, which helps with inflammation and pain. Ginger helps with upset stomachs and digestion relief. These supplements are flat packed and are small and easy to swallow.

Tart Cherry Extract
Tart cherry has been shown in some research to be even more effective than aspirin for pain relief. These tart cherry capsules are rich in antioxidant nutrients that help to protect the body from oxidative stress and healthy ageing.

Pure Epsom Salts 1kg Pack
If your body is feeling achy from having a cold or the flu then soaking in an Epsom bath will work wonders. It boosts your immune system while increasing white blood cells to help fight off infection. Epsom salt soaks also relax muscles and relieves aches which will help you have a restorative sleep to help fight off illness.
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As well as feeling under the weather, you might feel extra rough come winter due to the reduced sunlight hours and the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as SAD.
Affecting 1 in 3 Brits, it's important to be mindful as to how this can affect your mental health and do what you can to get the serotonin boost you need.
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