"Before I start rambling on with what my week consisted of, I'd like to say thank you for the lovely comments and advice I've been given from my little trip to hospital last week.
Having PGP (pelvic girdle pain) can be very painful and some days are worse than others. Being an active person, it's been so frustrating being limited with what I can do day-to-day, that I'm hoping that it will go as soon as I give birth.
I've heard in some cases it takes a while and you may need physio. Touch wood that won't happen, I'm desperate to get active again.
This weekend we arranged for the siblings to get together and we had such an amazing time. My brother Paul, sister-in-law Adele, my two nieces Sadie and Tess and Sam's sister Becky and fiancé Ali, all came to stay - we had such a great time.

Instead of having a formal 'Baby Shower' with family and friends we kept it simple and had the two weekends of Sam and mine's families getting to know each other.
Adele and Becky put together a lovely arrangement for me; they decorated the kitchen and Adele had baked me the best cake ever. It was a pink and blue sponge cake with sweets buried inside. And they had a little spa/salon set up for me ready to be pampered. I even received an amazing baby bouquet from 'Corporate Baby' for my centre piece. I'm such a lucky girl.
So, as you can probably imagine I completely indulged in cake, chocolate, alcohol free Chardonnay, had my nails done and had a foot spa, courtesy of Adele. I felt so relaxed and stuffed.

Unfortunately with all of the indulging I was left with terrible heartburn. ARGH! The heartburn is getting flipping annoying now. Four Gaviscon tablets later and I was feeling a little more normal.
The kids had a super time together as they always do; they just adore each other. Even our partners took to a party of their own. A 'Footy Funday Sunday' and at 1am came stumbling in, having a few too many, with a bag full of Ginsters pies and pasties. A good weekend had by all.
I had another session of KG hypnobirthing this week from Katherine Graves herself. She's such a wonderful lady with some incredible birthing stories, I could listen to her for hours. After our class I felt so tranquil and positive, it really does put you into such a hypnotic state of mind. I'm practicing most days now so I'm ready to really get my mind and body into the right state when I go into labour.

At this point into my pregnancy when I was pregnant with Corey 10 years ago, I was addicted to twiglets - my cravings for them were through the roof. This time, I've had little cravings along the way for mainly sweet things but nothing so intense that I'd wake up in the middle of the night desperate to have.
I had a carrot the other day which I thoroughly enjoyed but I didn't feel the need to have a bag of them! Apparently cravings are due to the hormone changes in your body and you generally get them in the first and second trimester, so unless I get unbearable urges for carrots, my craving days are over.
We are still struggling to find the right names. We have a couple aside if we have a boy but nothing if we have a girl. There's just nothing we can agree on.
The closer the due date the less I like any, I'm even going off the boys' names we have.
I'm sure it's down to the fact we will soon have to commit and it's such a big thing to commit on. The poor baby will be nameless for quite a while at this rate.
I had Max for Corey and then when he was born the name just didn't seem right for him, he was so tiny that I wanted a slightly softer name. I think my mum had suggested Corey, so Corey it was.
The problem we're having is, when we find a name we like, it's the nick name it will most probably have we don't like. It's been so frustrating, I suppose it will have to live with the name Baby Shaw-Greenfield for a while!"